From: Doug_F on
Not sure if this is related, but we have found the following (slightly
different issue).
Tab has data and a chart linked to the data.
Use 'copy/Move' to clone the tab.
If Excel is at SP2, the new cloned tab's chart points to the cloned data.
If it's not at SP2, the new cloned tab's chart points to the original tab.

Big fun!

"dparizo" wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm finding that Excel 2007 has a strange behavior when it comes to copying
> sheets that contain Pivot Tables & Pivot Charts.
> Let's say that on Worksheet A, I have a Pivot Table A and Pivot Chart A that
> is linked to it. If I change Pivot Table A, Pivot Chart A will change to
> reflect. So far, so good.
> Now, let's say I COPY Worksheet A to Worksheet B. Now I have Pivot Table B
> and Pivot Chart B on the new worksheet.
> Problem: Pivot Chart B is STILL LINKED to Pivot Table A! If I change Pivot
> Table A, both charts change! If I change Pivot Chart B, neither chart
> changes.
> This is new in Excel 2007, and it's a huge annoyance for me, as I create
> hundreds of charts by copying worksheets.
> Anyone know a way to get Excel 2007 to behave like Excel 2003 on this one?
> Thanks!
> Doug