From: John Navas on
On Fri, 06 Aug 2010 02:27:02 -0700, in
<oqkn569jqfhpn6u41ljgfdnb1m87amg3cq(a)>, Jeff Liebermann
<jeffl(a)> wrote:

>On Fri, 6 Aug 2010 01:45:05 -0700 (PDT), bod43 <Bod43(a)>
>>Somewhat easier might be to get a backtrack CD image from
>>t'interweb and burn a CD.
>It's grown to a DVD with 2 GB of programs. That's 500GB of new stuff
>since the "final" release.

500MB ;)

>The new "Backtrack 4 r1" version just
>appeared today after Defcon 18. I just downloaded it (it took all
>day). As before, it's a pain to run as a Live-DVD and works better on
>a seperate hard disk partition. Do NOT run unless you plan
>to install it on your hard disk drive:

Try a (fast) bootable flash drive instead:
Or Wubi:


"Assumption is the mother of all screw ups."
[Wethern�s Law of Suspended Judgement]
From: alexd on
Meanwhile, at the alt.internet.wireless Job Justification Hearings, Brent
chose the tried and tested strategy of:

> Request {GET
> <<<, -6} fuktered by ABE:
> <LOCAL> Deny

That's NoScript's XSS filtering.

<> (AIM:troffasky) (UnSoEsNpEaTm(a)
11:00:38 up 20 days, 1:31, 6 users, load average: 0.15, 0.12, 0.15
Qua illic est accuso, illic est a vindicatum