From: Mike on

I am a newbie for image processing in matlab.
I have a satellite image, including four bands (Band-sequential).
I'd like to show it.
First I use multibandread. Example is below:

rows=1202; cols=1202; bands=1;
size=[rows cols bands];
for ib=1:4
X(:,:,ib) = multibandread(filename{ib}, size, precision, offset,
interleave, byteorder);

Then I use 'whos'

Name Size Bytes Class Attributes

X 1202x1202x4 46233728
bands 1x1 8

I'd like to show X, but don't know how.
Any suggestion?

From: Mike on
On Jan 29, 7:54 am, Mike <sulfate...(a)> wrote:
> Hi
> I am a newbie for image processing in matlab.
> I have a satellite image, including four bands (Band-sequential).
> I'd like to show it.
> First I use multibandread.  Example is below:
> filename={'band1','band2','band3','band4'};
> rows=1202; cols=1202; bands=1;
> size=[rows cols bands];
> precision='uint8';
> offset=0;
> interleave='bsq';
> byteorder='ieee-le';
> X=zeros([rows,cols,bands]);
> for ib=1:4
>     X(:,:,ib) = multibandread(filename{ib}, size, precision, offset,
> interleave, byteorder);
> end
> Then I use 'whos'
>  Name               Size                   Bytes  Class     Attributes
>   X               1202x1202x4            46233728
> double
>   bands              1x1                        8
> double
> I'd like to show X, but don't know how.
> Any suggestion?
> Mike

Okay. I import only three bands.
rows=1202; cols=1202; bands=1;
size=[rows cols bands];
for ib=1:3
X(:,:,ib) = multibandread(filename{ib}, size, precision, offset,
interleave, byteorder);

Name Size Bytes Class Attributes

X 1202x1202x3 34675296

I use imtool: import from workspace. Then I found pixel values are
all 1 for RGB. Why?

>> Y1

Y1 =

106 104 101 102 107
118 117 111 102 118
125 117 106 105 122
123 113 102 103 119
117 107 102 99 109

Then I try for only greyscale image.
Y1 5x5 200 double

Then I found pixel values are as I expected.

So how to import the RGB image? I read the help of 'imread'. There
is no legal file formats as mine.

Besides, why is Y1 total 200 bytes? Aren't the size supposed to 5*5*2

From: ImageAnalyst on
Y1 is 200 bytes because it's a 5 x 5 x 8 bytes array and 5x5x8 = 200.
Single is 4 bytes, and double is 8 bytes. uint8 is one byte.

I'm not sure why you say that X is all 1's for red, green, or blue. I
don't know why you say this since when you extract out the upper left
5 by 5 portion of the first ("red") channel it clearly has values in
the range 99-125 - that's not 1, so I'm confused.

When you say X=zeros([rows,cols,bands]); you're initializing it as a
double. If your bands are uint8 you might try this
X=uint8(zeros([rows, cols, 3]));

There is a little known quirk in assigning uint8 arrays into a plane
of a multidimensional array. If multibandread returns an 2D integer
array then if you assign it to a 2D array X, it will recast it to an
integer no matter if X was initialized as a uint8, or double, as long
as X is 2D. BUT, and this is a big "but" and very unexpected, if
you're stuffing the 2D integer array returned from multibandread into
one plane of X and X is a multidimensional array, then it will make X
a double. It won't make it an integer like it did when you
initialized X as a 2D array. I know because I spent an hour tracking
down this unexpected behavior earlier today. Now go back and re-read
this paragraph very slowly, because it's detailed and not intuitive.

If you initialize X as a 3D uint8 array then you will get a 3D uint8
array even after you're all done stuffing 2D uint8 arrays into the
various color planes.

I know it's quirky but that's the way it is.

As you figured out in your second post, it's best if you just extract
3 of the color channels to display since our displays are RGB. In
fact I don't even know if it's possible to display 4 or more channels
- I'd really doubt it, unless you had a special monitor with more than
4 phosphors and a special video adapter.
From: Mike on
On Jan 29, 10:54 am, ImageAnalyst <imageanal...(a)> wrote:
> Mike:
> Y1 is 200 bytes because it's a 5 x 5 x 8 bytes array and 5x5x8 = 200.
> Single is 4 bytes, and double is 8 bytes.  uint8 is one byte.
> I'm not sure why you say that X is all 1's for red, green, or blue.  I
> don't know why you say this since when you extract out the upper left
> 5 by 5 portion of the first ("red") channel it clearly has values in
> the range 99-125 - that's not 1, so I'm confused.

Now I use


Then I can have the correct digital counts.

> When you say X=zeros([rows,cols,bands]); you're initializing it as a
> double.  If your bands are uint8 you might try this
>  X=uint8(zeros([rows, cols, 3]));

Thank you. The same as above mentioned, except the '3'.
I have already tried to use '3'. but stuck in

X=zeros([rows,cols,3],'uint8'); %must use 'uint8', if double then the
range is [0,1]
%for ib=1:4
X(:,:,ib) = multibandread(filename{ib}, size, precision, offset,
interleave, byteorder);
^ ^
for every ib


> There is a little known quirk in assigning uint8 arrays into a plane
> of a multidimensional array.  If multibandread returns an 2D integer
> array then if you assign it to a 2D array X, it will recast it to an
> integer no matter if X was initialized as a uint8, or double, as long
> as X is 2D.

as mentioned above. Now I use

X=zeros([rows,cols,3],'uint8'); %must use 'uint8', if double then the
range is [0,1]

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ then all digital counts go to 1.

 BUT, and this is a big "but" and very unexpected, if
> you're stuffing the 2D integer array returned from multibandread into
> one plane of X and X is a multidimensional array, then it will make X
> a double.  It won't make it an integer like it did when you
> initialized X as a 2D array.  I know because I spent an hour tracking
> down this unexpected behavior earlier today.  Now go back and re-read
> this paragraph very slowly, because it's detailed and not intuitive.
> If you initialize X as a 3D uint8 array then you will get a 3D uint8
> array even after you're all done stuffing 2D uint8 arrays into the
> various color planes.
> I know it's quirky but that's the way it is.
> As you figured out in your second post, it's best if you just extract
> 3 of the color channels to display since our displays are RGB.  In
> fact I don't even know if it's possible to display 4 or more channels
> - I'd really doubt it, unless you had a special monitor with more than
> 4 phosphors and a special video adapter.
> Regards,
> ImageAnalyst

Thank you very much for the reply.
But now I have another question.
Follow the above post:
Then I, as you say, I need only three colors:

Y=X(:,:,[3 2 1]);
Now I have an Y

Y 1202x1202x3 4334412 uint8

I use imtool -> import from workspace.
I can view it, do pixel value monitoring for RGB. Their values are
all as I expect.
Now I'd like to do the real works. Before this, I need to save Y.

I use help to find available image formats. These formats, in fact,
are not familiar to me.
Also I use save as in imtool, it comes out so many formats.

Question is: which is the format I can keep these digital counts
or the best one? To be more clear, in remote sensing, few people do
If I do image classification, I do it from raw digital counts. Unless
there are so many bands of data like tens of them, or even hundreds.

Besides, can I do it for four bands in matlab?

It seems there are so many lossless compression: bmp, tiff (right???,
correct me if it's wrong).
Are their digital counts the same as the original Y?

Thank you very much.


From: ImageAnalyst on
I'm not sure why all the digital values = 1 if you accept the output
of multibandread() into a uint8 array. Sounds weird to me.

You can save images in PNG format, which is an increasingly popular
lossless compression format.