From: Akshay Chaudhari on
I am currently working on a project that involves image analysis on images of different cells (Not for a grade, just academic research). So basically I have images of a cells that have undergone different stains and I have to calculate the area of certain regions within the cell. So essentially I have a region of a cell enclosed by small periphery that is a complete different color.
It is hard to describe, so as a reference, this link shows a sample image.

So essentially can anyone help me with this? I would really appreciate it a lot!
From: ImageAnalyst on
Akshay Chaudhari
It looks like you can just threshold, label, and regionprops.
See my demo that walks you through this process:

For your image, you could either threshold on the light blobs, or
threshold on the dark perimeters and then do a holefill. Then label
(with bwconncomp or bwlabel) and call regionprops(). It's all
copiously commented in the demo.
Good luck,
From: Akshay Chaudhari on
ImageAnalyst <imageanalyst(a)> wrote in message <b9e91f5a-f660-41df-af5a-fc84a88df244(a)>...
> Akshay Chaudhari
> It looks like you can just threshold, label, and regionprops.
> See my demo that walks you through this process:
> For your image, you could either threshold on the light blobs, or
> threshold on the dark perimeters and then do a holefill. Then label
> (with bwconncomp or bwlabel) and call regionprops(). It's all
> copiously commented in the demo.
> Good luck,
> ImageAnalyst

Hey thanks a lot buddy, I really appreciate your help!!
I looked at your # of posts and its really nice that you help others when you have the knowledge to do so. Great job and props. Have a great new year!
From: ImageAnalyst on
You're welcome. My pleasure. You have a great new year too.
From: Dave Robinson on
ImageAnalyst <imageanalyst(a)> wrote in message <f0bdf092-3abf-4321-a8b4-0ae2a6603e45(a)>...
> You're welcome. My pleasure. You have a great new year too.


Whilst not having much to add to IA's excellent advice, one thing I noticed was that your images are very unsaturated, which means that there is a great deal of correlation between the colour planes - i.e if you look at the three colour planes as greyscale images, they are almost identical. One technique I have used to great effect on images of this category amounts to virtual cell staining - see the images I have put up here: -

The first shows your original image, and the second shows my processed image. The technique amounts to finding a custom colour space that effectively decorrelates the three colour axes by undertaking a PCA process between the three colour planes. Once the images have been transformed into this space, you could then consider using a colour filtering technique to seperate your cells from the background, possibly simplifying your blob analysis suggested by IA.

Currently I don't have a Matlab version of this process, but as soon as I have time, I will construct one, and place it in the File Exchange.


Dave Robinson