From: spudnik on
in my casual research,
Republicans (at Republican clubs e.g.) never know the meaning
of the word, republic, let-alone the history of republics.

> > You say "certain American political group." But the Apollo program
> > received bipartisan support. JFK started (the new, 1960's version of)
> > it, and Richard Nixon shook the hands of the returning lunanauts.

> Russia sells private trips but still
> subsidizes much of the cost. I'm wondering what a fully private Soyuz
> trip the ISS would actually go for....$100 million or so, maybe?

thus: also, if you stare at Hipparchus' "lunes proof"
of the pythag.thm., you'll get it; now,
can it be applied to the 3d theorems.... yeah, dood;
prove a God-am theorem!

thus: <stuff about Zionosphere/WWx, redacted>
here are some speeches about the (British) World Wars,
collected in one book on
How the Venetian System Was Transplanted Into England
New Federalist, June 3, 1996

The British Empire Bid for Undisputed World Domination, 1850-1870
Schiller Institute Food For Peace Conference, Chicago, February 22-23,

Lord Palmerston’s Multicultural Human Zoo
ICLC Conference, February 20, 1994

King Edward VII: Evil Demiurge of the Triple Entente and World War 1
ICLC Conference, February, 1995

Sir Edward Grey Turned Sarajevo Crisis Into War
Printed in The American Almanac, March, 1995

The Versailles Thesis: The Roots of WWI, and WWII
Conference Speech by Webster Tarpley, Schiller Institute Food
For Peace Conference, Chicago, Illinois, February 22-23, 1992.

The Versailles Treaty: The War Guilt Clause
Printed in the American Almanac, March, 1995

British Financial Warfare: 1929; 1931-33;
How The City Of London Created The Great Depression

thus: we're all einsteinians, if not fanatic; you are the one,
who insists upon his reification of the corpuscle,
a willy-nilly interpretation of "quantum
of light," vis-a-vu Planck's great idea and
mere electronic traces of a photo-electrical effect.... well,
his and Infeld's acoustic fridge was pretty cool!

thus: there're two 3d versions of the pythag.thm.,
each with different dimensional attributes.
iff you don't study Fermat's numbertheorie,
you're up Shitz Creek without a paddle; however,
it is better to start with his "reconstruction
of Euclid's porisms," although they are just planar
(synthetic geometry: see "Geometrical Fragments,"
belowsville .-)

thus: and, the other half d'oil evaporates, as has
been shown of late (again) in the newspapers. Congress and
the Administration are a bit behind, in using Iran Oil's
big blow-out in the Gulf, to leverage BP's cap&trade nostrum;

a-yup: Such microbes have
been found in every ocean of the world sampled, from the Arctic to
Antarctica. But there are reasons to think that the process may occur
more quickly in the Gulf than in other oceans.

--les ducs d'oil!

--Light, A History!
From: Frank Robertson on
On Jul 29, 11:00 pm, Frank Robertson <laisrevort...(a)> wrote:
> On Jul 27, 5:35 am, Pat Flannery <flan...(a)> wrote:
> > On 7/26/2010 9:55 PM, G. L. Bradford wrote:
> > > You say "totalitarian." Well, the USSR DID upstage us because a
> > > DICTATORSHIP can commandeer public funds at will, without public
> > > support. I've heard the USSR spent up to 90% of its GNP on defense
> > > (one reason they were non-competitive, in the long run, in the attempt
> > > at the moon).
> > Although it probably wasn't that bad, it certainly was a lot higher
> > proportion of USSR GDP than the US - which is spectacular enough; right
> > around 24% currently.
> > As Hitler figured out, you can blow your economy right through the roof
> > be throwing vast amounts of money at "National Defense", as it's
> > constantly getting obsolete and needs updating...and your populace will
> > be far more ready to save their nation by building the world's best
> > fighter plane than spending billions to come up with a way to save five
> > MPG in average car gas consumption...even though that would save them
> > more money in a personal sense in the long run.
> > Pat
> I appreciate your common interests with me, even though refeneces to
> the USSR as "not being that bad" and implying the US (Though not so
> direclty implicating the USSR) is like Hitler when it dares have a
> military, are marks of a typically misinformed or head-in-the-sand
> liberal. It does not matter how much bad facts about America's enemies
> are exposed...liberals are sure the problem is AMERICA and
> conservative thinking is always labelled as HItleresque! nothing could
> be further rfrorm the truth,. But we probably agreeon space.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

I have to reply again to Pat, here. I ahve to APOLLOgize for getting
personal, and calling you something or other. You are too polite to do
that, which is unusual on the internet. Sorry about that, I'll try to
refrain from being personal with you, do to your good manners.

But the "trick" in CIVILly conducted debate or argument, is: Call what
the opponents BELIEVES, and possibly call his or her FELLOWS (as well,
of course, call leaders he follows) every name in the book. But don't
call HIM anything, personally!

SO, you do not say *I* am Hitleressque, etc.; only what I BELIEVE and
the people whose views I AGREE WITH are Hitleresque!

So, I'll try to return the favor! LIBERALS, and their leaders such as
President O-BOMB-US, are Hitleresque, false accusers, and have the
wrong enemies as their number one enemies - hating America and
Republicans more than they hate, or put up gaurd against, the Saddam
Husseins, Stalins, Taliban, al Qaeda, Castro, Chavezes, and the
Iranian, North Korean and other brutally oppressive, aggressive and
dangerous regimes. LIBERALS have it all upside down!

But I'm not calling YOU anything, Pat! Thanks for not getting personal
with me, also. <semi-smile>.
From: Day Brown on
On 08/02/2010 08:58 PM, Frank Robertson wrote:
> So, I'll try to return the favor! LIBERALS, and their leaders such as
> President O-BOMB-US, are Hitleresque, false accusers, and have the
> wrong enemies as their number one enemies - hating America and
> Republicans more than they hate, or put up gaurd against, the Saddam
> Husseins, Stalins, Taliban, al Qaeda, Castro, Chavezes, and the
> Iranian, North Korean and other brutally oppressive, aggressive and
> dangerous regimes. LIBERALS have it all upside down!
The Liberals are not organized enuf to do this. Whatever Hitler's
faults, the Nazis were notoriously organized.