From: Alps on
Hi There!

I would suggest you do the labs, as mentioned by me here.

I have done the WSS labs and in one of the labs, you can configure
this very feature of enabling email libraries. Your questions is very
interesting and it would be worthwhile to check out how the lab server
has been setup.

Alpesh Nakar

From: esl on
On 9 avr, 15:02, BeigeB...(a) wrote:
> Thanks,
> When I do that, I get the followingerrorfrom theSharePointTimer
> service when email comes in:
> A criticalerroroccurred while processing the incoming e-mail file C:
> \Inetpub\mailroot\Drop\P3_20070409144123051500000001.eml. Theerror
> was:Badsendersorrecipients..
> Any ideas?

I have exactly the same issue... Have you found any workaround?