From: Alexander Plus on
I created simple memmap (c:\records.dat contain just one double value 5):
>> m = memmapfile('c:\records.dat', 'Format', 'double', 'Writable', true);

I'll get reference to m.Data, and read value, value is ok:
>> x = m.Data;
>> x(1)
ans =

Now, i'll write new value:
>> m.Data(1)=6;

Now, i'll read x(1), value is wrong (i read old value):
>> x(1)
ans =

Now, i'll check value reading without reference:
>> m.Data(1)
ans =

So, reference to m.Data (in x variable) was lost! Is it normal?
From: Alexander Plus on
2 Walter Roberson:
Thank you very much!