From: Walter Roberson on
Nick N wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am new to this forum & Matlab. Just wondering if Matlab supports this kind of statement like in C programming:
> (expr1) ? expr2:expr3
> This is equivalent to
> if (expr1)
> expr2;
> else
> exp3;
> end;

Actually, that C operator is not exactly equivalent to that sequence of
if/else statements. C has some complexities having to do with the type
of the expression, so there can be some implicit type-casting going on
that is not accounted for in your if/else version.

In any case, we have discussed this matter before, and there are some
things that you can do in Matlab that are similar to the :? operator,
but you start getting into function handles, and start needing nested
functions if you want to duplicate the effect of expr2 or expr3 having
side-effects. And there are some semantics you just can't duplicate at
all because of the copy-on-write semantics of matlab...