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From: delia on 4 Aug 2010 21:15 Is there any fast ways to pass IBM 000-078 exam, then get the IBM certification? Passcert now, has released the latest IBM 000-078 exam for all the candidates. Its professionals and experts collected 148 real exam questions and certified answers to make all the customers pass the exam more faster and easiler. ------------------------------------- Related Exam: 000-076 -- +----------------------------------------------------------+ | | | *** a better way to USENET *** | | no-spam Web and RSS interface to your favorite newsgroup | | alt.internet.wireless - 65616 messages and counting! | +----------------------------------------------------------+
From: DevilsPGD on 4 Aug 2010 22:21 In message <18882$4c5a10cf$42bb6765$26018(a)> 814911531_at_qq_dot_com(a) (delia) was claimed to have wrote: >Is there any fast ways to pass IBM 000-078 exam, then get the IBM >certification? I guess studying and learning the materials is too challenging?
From: Who Dat? on 4 Aug 2010 22:34
On 8/4/2010 10:21 PM, DevilsPGD wrote: > In message<18882$4c5a10cf$42bb6765$26018(a)> > 814911531_at_qq_dot_com(a) (delia) was claimed to have wrote: > >> Is there any fast ways to pass IBM 000-078 exam, then get the IBM >> certification? > > I guess studying and learning the materials is too challenging? So '70s.... |