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Computing sales taxes
If you use double to compute sales taxes, and round to the nearest penny, there is a gotcha. You are supposed to round a precise half penny up. This won't work properly for percentage like 6% (0.06) (of $0.75) which is not precise in binary. There a number of ways to avoid problem. Which would you use? -- Ro... 12 May 2010 22:31
Reading from very large file
I'd like to read only numbers from an extremely big file containing both characters and digits. It turns out that a) reading each character with a RandomAccessFile is too slow and b) a StreamTokenizer did not work, as it has irregular delimiters for some reason. What is the best way? I've been looking at ove... 10 May 2010 06:34
Business Calendar
Hi, May not be exactly for that thread. I am looking for some Web Service / JavaBean / Java lib which would be able to determine whether particular day (e.g. today) is a Business Day in Financial industry (e.g. Banking) and be callable from Java program. Any advise is very appreciated. Thank you in adv... 9 May 2010 16:29
configure Spring to use jax-ws endpoint to consume XML then produce JSON
With the bean definition in spring.xml below, I'm getting the following exception. It seems like it's trying to consume the request as a JSON formated string rather than XML. How can I have the endpoint to consume XML request then produce JSON response back to caller? What's wrong with the spring bean definition... 7 May 2010 14:29
JDialogs launched outside the Event-Dispatch Thread
Being aware of what has been said I'd like to ask explicitly: what should I do if I want to display some information to the user in a Swing GUI app using a JDialog? I know dialogs are event-driven so that execution of the thread which requested displaying the dialog stops, but ... 11 May 2010 17:53
Calling .NET exec from Java
I need to write a Java program which: - collects bunch of data from the SQL Server DB (and builds command line); - calls windows executable (3rd party, black box, I assume it's written with .NET 3.5 - maybe VB or C#, but have no source code or anything) and passes it long list of parameters. My Java program wi... 7 May 2010 16:43
NetBeans strangeness
I'm trying to switch to using the NetBeans IDE. Very nice, but... I create a project and select the Struts framework out of the four available. It creates the project. Then I look at the project properties, and it has both Struts and JavaServer Faces activated! I could add more frameworks if I wanted, but there s... 10 May 2010 10:56
ejbPostCreate() to define operations
"You need to use ejbPostCreate() to define operations, like set a flag, after INSERT completes successfully" -----what kind of operations we are talking about ? can you please post few examples here ? -----what is flag setting here ?I don't understand this. Could you please elaborate this part? ... 7 May 2010 20:03
Build Path Mess
Hi I have been away from java for quite a long time, and certainly away from Eclipse. I have two applications, one of which uses the other. The problem here is that i am trying to import classes from app2 into app1, but its not able to find them. How do i get around this? I know that it has to do something wi... 6 May 2010 22:02
Hi all, this code works as expected when it's inline in the program: (jTAfd is "public static javax.swing.JTable jTAfd;"): try { jTAfd.print(JTable.PrintMode.FIT_WIDTH, null, null); } catch (Exception pe) { System.err.println("*** Error printing: " + pe.getMessage()); } when I try to make it as a rout... 6 May 2010 08:32
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