From: rick_s on
So as I say we have learned some valuable lessons even in the last 10
years. Did it benefit society allowing Microsoft to flaunt the law?
It wiped out the tech industry. The damage to start-up companies cannot
be tallied. The amount of wasted time and energy by countless people
cannot be recovered.

But you can just blame it on the dot com boom and bust! Just like when
you start broadcasting commercials in theaters, you can blame that on
file sharing.

So yes we need a smarter Zuul, and a real Gozer. A real AI that can tell
you what I just did only in real time. After the fact its too late.

And as far as it turning humanity into batteries in the matrix, well if
you know me, and know that I am an alien, and not just pretending to be
an alien for the sake of discussion, then you might expect that I need
permission before I let Goser loose on the world and I got that permission.

And I won't show you the image imprinted on the landscape in Peru, that
shows a conehead, with a couple genies, and Jeannie on his temple.
But you see even I can say, well hell, it was _your idea. lol

So let the pentagon feel like they need to protect us from Goser, that's
makes us all feel like we are in the driver seat, and we have some
backup. But we don't need to be so paranoid, that only one company has
the screens, so that they can have secret controls to monitor and shape
the system and shut it down on a whim.

If they want to take over the world, they will have to hold a press
conference and do so. A military dictatorship with them listening to the
professors would not be the end of the world would it? That they have my
permission to do that at any time if they want and I told them that. Not
that I am in any position of authority to give them that permission.

But I would be on their side for the good of the many because I believe
they are on the side of the people. Sure they have to play politics too,
but they needn't worry that anything too major will get out of hand. For
one thing we sent 5 years doing simulations.

And we actually know what its like to live in a Gazzoo culture and so
does anyone who watches the Flintstones or I dream of Jeannie, except
they will not be affecting the world like Gazoo and Jeannie. Peopel in
business are not going to give their money to them to manage, they will
want real people to do that still.

Some philosophers in the past take their idea and make it into a
philosophy and then apply that to the entire world.

We are just making a little cube beside the monitor and we liek our
monitors now, so why get rid of them? We like text. We like to read and
write. We do love 2D technology. We love it. We love books.
What kind of happy place for a learned man would not have a shelf of
books? In fact you would find philosophy texts and books on poetry and
2D things which we love so much.

We have sculpture but we keep our paintings too.