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ECL 10.4.1
On Apr 4, 4:46 pm, Juanjo <juanjose.garciarip...(a)> wrote: Announcement of ECL Nice to see thread support seems better (at least with options ./configure --enable-threads --with-__thread) It would be nice if the argument of the gc function was optional, not required. ... 6 Apr 2010 18:42
when to use #:
Hi, I am not completely clear on the applications of the #: read macro for uninterned symbols. Redshank inserts it everywhere before symbols (defsystem, in-package, and other forms), but AFAIK ASDF loading happens in a temporary package anyway, so it should not be necessary. Nevertheless, I have seen ASDF fil... 10 Apr 2010 06:55
compiling a function from a form: is there a better way?
I have a utility that may need to do some unit conversions. I would like to specify the conversion rules as an association list: ((a do-something) (b do-something-else) ... etc) Now, I could specify `do-something' as #'(lambda (arg) (* arg 5)) and so on. All the lambda's have the same format #'(lamb... 5 Apr 2010 19:28
Self-producing programs in Common LISP
The question of programs which produce themselves, and in particular the question of the shortest self-producing program, is a well-known brain teaser. When I first was presented this problem many years ago, I immediately wrote the Unix program -------------- This file is /usr/antti/self-print.c main() {... 13 Apr 2010 10:33
[ANN] ECL 10.4.1
Announcement of ECL =================== ECL stands for Embeddable Common-Lisp. The ECL project aims to produce an implementation of the Common-Lisp language which complies to the ANSI X3J13 definition of the language. The term embeddable refers to the fact that ECL includes a lisp to C compiler, which prod... 4 Apr 2010 11:30
type of an array member of a class
Hi! I see this: CL-USER> (defclass my-class () ((a :type (simple-array fixnum (3)) :initform #(1 2 3)))) #<STANDARD-CLASS MY-CLASS> CL-USER> (type-of (slot-value (make-instance 'my-class) 'a)) (SIMPLE-VECTOR 3) I expect it to mention fixnums somehow but it's not there. What's going on here? The probl... 5 Apr 2010 01:49
Help with LISP functions
Hey all, I'm currently learning LISP and have an assignment due tomorrow (for my AI class), and I'm really having trouble getting this straight- I understand the functions I have to use together in order to get the answers, but not how really put them together. Here are some functions I have to create. Help?: ... 5 Apr 2010 11:36
How up-to-date are the Lispcast videos?
The last time I dabbled in Lisp, the Lispcast videos ("create a Reddit clone") were fairly new. That was obviously some time ago... How up-to-date are they at this point? seems to have moved on, so I can't even figure out if they were written for Hunchentoot 1.0 or 1.1. Is there a more-detailed ... 23 Apr 2010 20:47
What should I do to interacting lisp with pyqt?
I want to make lisp program act like a portable database. And then I want to build a GUI with PyQt, is there a way to make lisp run out of the box? And run like a daemon? Thank you very much! ... 3 Apr 2010 10:23
Elegant way to insert element by index
I have an one dimensional array with fill pointer, and I want to insert element in it by index. Currently I'm using this: (defun insert-nth (i array val) (progn (vector-push val array) (replace array array :start1 (1+ i) :start2 i) (setf (aref array i) val) array)) ; foo (0 1 2 3) (insert-... 3 Apr 2010 05:00
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