Anyone willing to sell "On Lisp"? On Jan 16, 5:25 pm, D Herring <dherr...(a)> wrote: .... At the time, I used the following to convert the book to a size suitable for binding. All one line: gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=try.pdf -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer -dCompatibilityLevel=1.3 -dMaxSubsetPct=100 ... 21 Mar 2010 18:34
lightweight database Hi, I need to use a simple database from CL. The database consists of timestamp/count pairs, a timestamp is a date&time, while the count is a single integer. The idea is that a server which runs the database collects the data continuously (not necessarily using CL, but that can be achieved), and I want to be a... 19 Mar 2010 04:53
Anyone heard of Bee Lisp? I'm not really a Lisp programmer, but I saw an ad for Bee Lisp. Anyone heard of it? Is it any good? ... 19 Mar 2010 15:29
A pascal generator in CL ? Hi, Does anyone know of a reasonable version of a CL lib that will create (relatively) standard pascal code? I've looked briefly on google, but not found much. Any links appreciated. Thanks DC ... 16 Mar 2010 23:12
How many people use or used Lisp? Kazimir Majorinc <email(a)false.false> writes: How many people use Lisp (all dialects combined) today? My guess: 3000, based on the membership on various Lisp forums. Anyone with better guess? 30,000,000? (Could easily be an order of magnitude more or less.) Including Emacs users and users of software w... 23 Mar 2010 15:56
Handling Ctrl+C interrupt in SBCL I'm trying to write a user-friendly handler for Ctrl-C interrupt in SBCL programs. So far I've been unsuccessful. The default long backtrace is not something I'd like to have in my programs. I expected this to work: (defun main () "The main program." ...) (handler-case (main) (sb... 17 Mar 2010 13:36
What does Emacs/SLIME support for refactoring? I'm writing a lot of CLOS code and with that the usual problem of renaming arrives so I'm interested what kind of functionality does Slime/Emacs has for refactoring common lisp code? Is there anything like Eclipse Refactoring functionality? thanks Slobodan ... 14 Mar 2010 05:27
wxcl Hi. How to install wxcl ? I tried first installing asdf.lisp but I get an error <PACKAGE POSIX> has no external symbol with name "UID" Thanks. ... 16 Mar 2010 12:30
how to achieve unique key with elephant Hi lispers! I have been tinkering with cl-elephant and I have a question: How do I create unique key with elephant objects? (defpclass book () ((isbn :initarg :isbn :accessor isbn :index t) (title :initarg :title :accessor title :index t) (author :init... 15 Mar 2010 06:46
Configuration file setup and pathname usage I am running CL on Windows and Mac and have a configuration file that I'd like to share between them. I want to do something like the following: I am using cygwin on Windows so I want to use that as the user's home-dir. 1. Is this the correct way to make use of CL pathnames... 12 Mar 2010 22:52 |