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foo-user packages
(Thanks for the replies to the question I recently posted about floating point numbers; they were very helpful.) I hope this question isn't too half-baked. It's probably a problem with my understanding of packages. I have noticed that some systems (eg. ltk) don't just define a package for code, like "ltk", the... 29 May 2010 19:01
IOLib Tutorial
Hello, I've written an IOLib tutorial which describes how to write network clients and servers with IPV4 TCP using blocking I/O with the stream interface and nonblocking I/O with the event multiplexer also including send-to and receive-from. The tutorial and associated example program sources for which it is ... 7 Jun 2010 16:35
[ANN] ABCL 0.20
From Erik Huelsmann, ABCL maintainer, on the armedbear-devel(a)common- mailing list: On behalf of the developers of ABCL (Armed Bear Common Lisp) I'm glad to be able to announce the 0.20.0 release. ABCL is a Common Lisp implementation implemented in Java and running on the JVM, featuring both an interpr... 27 May 2010 17:02
lw-addons for Lispworks
Hi. How to install lw-addons for Lispworks ? I have .lispworks file (in attachment) but when I try to load it always shows some errors. I have asdf in c:\asdf folder. I tried to adapt .lispworks file but without success. Could someone have a look at it ? Thanks ... 27 May 2010 10:21
Common Lisp for Mac OS X
Hello, Which implementation of Common Lisp should I choose if I want to write applications for OS X? Thus created applications must have the look and feel of native Mac software. reagrds Marc PS. Sorry for my poor english! ... 6 Jun 2010 12:42
returning multiple values from macro
Hello I'm writing a small machine simulator in CL, using tagbody/go to define the outer-most structure. Each instruction looks something like this: :state-instruction4 (some-debugging-code) (... implementation of instruction using 'go' to make state transitions ...) My question is: How can I... 27 May 2010 21:27
member and defparameter
In the following Lisp REPL interaction: CL-USER> (defparameter *unison* 0) *UNISON* CL-USER> (member *unison* '(*unison*)) NIL why is nil returned? ... 27 May 2010 14:49
load-foreign-library (sbcl), clapack, undefined symbol
I'm trying to use the f2c'ed lapack .so ( I have tried to build it from source (from, also tried to build it though gentoo portage. All the required libs (libblas, libcblas, libf2c) are loaded successfully, but loading libclapack leads to error "undefined symbol: f2c_ctrmv"... 26 May 2010 16:55
emacs's spell check feature problems (criticism)
Some criticism about emacs spell checking feature. • Emacs Spell Checker Problems plain text version follows: -------------------------------------------------- Emacs Spell Checker Problems Xah Lee, 2010-05-25 This page discuss emacs's spell... 28 May 2010 15:56
ObjectLisp manual, help with LaTeX needed
Hi, just found a copy of the ObjectLisp manual (1985) from Gary L. Drescher in LaTeX. Is there anybody willing&able to convert it to PDF? I'm not really in the mood to install LaTeX for a single document. ;-) Best regards, Rainer Joswig -- ... 25 May 2010 19:03
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