Why warnings about unused keyword although (call-next-method) is used? On 14/06/2010 01:27, Paul Griffioen wrote: On Mon, 14 Jun 2010 00:41:51 +0200, Pascal Costanza wrote: On 13/06/2010 20:24, Paul Griffioen wrote: Why do compilers warn about unused keyword in methods when (call-next- method) is used? For example when compiling (defclass some-class () (... 14 Jun 2010 08:24
does clisp have a profiler (like sbcl)? when i teach lisp, my next-to-last assignment is to place a profiler on the code and to see where are the bottlenecks. sbcl has such a profiler does clisp? thanks! tim menzies ... 13 Jun 2010 23:45
Algebra Rizing Lisp + qooxdoo + jsMath: http://teamalgebra.com/ There several problems on this page: (1) ironically, a missing disclaimer that the /editor/ is just starting to get ported to the Web from Tcl/Tk so don't veer too far from the examples. (2) "Lesson Structure" is blank (but the structure itself is obvious (... 19 Jun 2010 12:21
ASDF sucks There, I feel better. kt -- http://www.stuckonalgebra.com "The best Algebra tutorial program I have seen... in a class by itself." Macworld ... 15 Jun 2010 13:08
Why warnings about unused keyword although (call-next-method) is used? On 2010-06-14 00:27:52 +0100, Paul Griffioen said: In my case the keyword is mentioned in the generic function so I have to mention it in the method I'm pretty sure you can say ... &key &allow-other-keys ... though this may result in less checking in some cases ... 13 Jun 2010 20:29
Why warnings about unused keyword although (call-next-method) is used? On Mon, 14 Jun 2010 00:41:51 +0200, Pascal Costanza wrote: On 13/06/2010 20:24, Paul Griffioen wrote: Why do compilers warn about unused keyword in methods when (call-next- method) is used? For example when compiling (defclass some-class () ()) (defmethod foo ((object some-class) some-a... 14 Jun 2010 15:06
C interpreter in Lisp/scheme/python I am trying to compare LISP/Scheme/Python for their expressiveness. For this, I propose a vanilla C interpreter. I have seen a book which writes C interpreter in C. The criteria would be the small size and high readability of the code. Are there already answers anywhere ? How would a gury approach such a p... 23 Jul 2010 10:15
Why warnings about unused keyword although (call-next-method)is used? On 13/06/2010 20:24, Paul Griffioen wrote: Why do compilers warn about unused keyword in methods when (call-next- method) is used? For example when compiling (defclass some-class () ()) (defmethod foo ((object some-class) some-arg&key some-key) (call-next-method)) SBCL and LispWorks war... 13 Jun 2010 19:23
Why warnings about unused keyword although (call-next-method) is used? On 2010-06-13 14:24:50 -0400, Paul Griffioen said: And is there a way to get rid of these warnings? (declare (ignorable ...)) warmest regards, Ralph -- Raffael Cavallaro ... 13 Jun 2010 16:02
Why warnings about unused keyword although (call-next-method) is used? Why do compilers warn about unused keyword in methods when (call-next- method) is used? For example when compiling (defclass some-class () ()) (defmethod foo ((object some-class) some-arg &key some-key) (call-next-method)) SBCL and LispWorks warn about keyword some-key (haven't tried other compilers). ... 13 Jun 2010 14:55 |