From: CheriC on
How can I lock an arrow & text to a particular data point? In a time series
graph, every time I add new dates, currently the arrows pointing to
particular data points for particular dates have to be moved manually.
From: Xt on
On Jan 28, 10:00 am, CheriC <Che...(a)> wrote:
> How can I lock an arrow & text to a particular data point?  In a time series
> graph, every time I add new dates, currently the arrows pointing to
> particular data points for particular dates have to be moved manually.

Here is onne way which doesn't do exactly want because there are no
arrows but you might like to look at it. Download the free add-in XY
Chart Labeller and use it to manually label a point. This label will
stay with the point even if the graph changes.
