From: Rob on
I am attempting to print a series of PDF files (approx. 7000) from an
Excel 2007 file, and I am having issues with the size of each file and
the time it takes to generate each PDF file. The pages in Excel that I
am using have several pie charts and line graphs, and I think they are
the reason my files are so large. One of the pages in particular has
six pie charts (Style 26 in Excel 2007), and printing just that page
created an Adobe PDF file that is ~1.4 MB. I printed the same page to
PDF using pie charts with Style 18, and the file is ~200 KB. The
simple answer is to just use Style 18, but Style 26 looks much better
and I would prefer to use it for my reports. In addition, the pie
charts in the PDF files have somewhat rough edges, but in Excel they
are much smoother. Any suggestions on how to improve these PDF files
in size, speed, and quality?
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