From: Geoff Schaller on

Suspend notification on the SERVER, not the browser.
Do the suspend (assuming you need to at all!) before you do anything.
What is the key field for the server and are you updating this???

Try not to edit in the browser - edit in an auxiliary window and update
the browser.


"Grant" <grantd(a)> wrote in message

> On Jul 8, 4:51 pm, Grant <gra...(a)> wrote:
> > Hello All
> > I have a bBrowser that I want to append a new record to but I'm losing
> > the connection to the server when I press
> > the 'New' button. The new record appends fine and it is open in Edit
> > mode but as soon as I change focus to the next cell in the record the
> > data is lost. Here is the 'OnInsert' method :
> > METHOD OnInsert() CLASS dtwJOB
> > //append a new record
> > IF self:oDCbBrowser1:Used
> >
> > IF self:oDCbBrowser1:Append()
> > self:oDCbBrowser1:Server:SuspendNotification()
> > self:oDCbBrowser1:Server:FIELDPUT(#JDATE, Today())
> > self:oDCbBrowser1:Server:FIELDPUT(#CUSTOMER, cFName)
> > self:oDCbBrowser1:Server:ResetNotification()
> > self:oDCbBrowser1:Server:Commit()
> > self:oDCbBrowser1:Refresh()
> > self:oDCbBrowser1:CurrentColumn:= 2
> > self:oDCbBrowser1:Edit()
> > Return true
> Sorry - hit a key and posted before I wanted to. The browser is in
> edit mode and I can add/edit the data fine. When I add a record it
> adds it but I lose connection with the server untill I move the
> cusrsor off the record and then back. Can someone explain what is
> happening?
> I am also using a 'CellEdit' which I think allows me to edit the cells
> in the browser and this works fine until I add a new record. Any
> advice will be appreciated. VO stills has many mysteries.
> Thank you
> Grant