From: Bret Cahill on
> >>> Shine a 4 milliwatt 645 nm wavelength dollar store pet laser onto a
> >>> red reflector lens at night and it explodes into color.
> >>> Slender reflective fibers would easily reflect a relatively low
> >>> power satellite based laser a couple hundred miles back to the
> >>> satellite and show up on satellite imaging. A very weak magnet on
> >>> each fiber could orient the fibers in specified directions with
> >>> respect to the earth's magnitic field it the time it would take to
> >>> fall hundreds or thousands of feet from a plane.
> >>> It would be very difficult to tramp over the fibers without
> >>> disturbing the orientation.
> >>> When Al Quada tries a night time ambush, everyone on the planet
> >>> knows about it.
> >> This is the kind of hare-brained scheme that some Beltway Bandit
> >> would come up with. Fine, you can detect "tramping". So how do you
> >> tell that it was the bad guys and not some kid herding his Daddy's
> >> goats?
> > Send a drone over.
> And how does "sending a drone over" tell you about events that happened
> hours earlier?  

You openly admit you are too stoopid to calculate the air speed of a

Bret Cahill

From: Bret Cahill on
> >>> Fine, you can detect "tramping". So how do you
> >>> tell that it was the bad guys and not some kid herding his Daddy's
> >>> goats?

> >> Send a drone over.

> > And how does "sending a drone over" tell you about events that happened
> > hours earlier?  Are you going to "send a drone over" every time a rabbit
> > runs down the road?

You think a rabbit will have the same footprint as a dozen men?

> >> The satellite system monitors hundreds of thousand of square miles
> >> silently and, with UV or IR lasers, invisibly.

> > And it finds that, wonder of wonders, there is traffic on roads.  

And that there is traffic around mountain caves w/o roads.

> > The
> > problem is not determing whether there is traffic but determining which
> > specific traffic is planning to cause trouble.

You can always buy 400,000 drones.

They already have 25 years worth of video of Afghan countryside,
almost all of it is useless.

Bret Cahill

From: Bret Cahill on
> > So how much does it cost you to deploy your fancy

.. . .

> The answer to all those problems is

Is to spread sheet the costs of surveillance by drone only vs
satellite + drone.

Of course, if you are too stoopid to calculate the time it takes for
radiation to be reflected back to a satellite then you aren't going to
get good answers no matter what you try.

Bret Cahill

From: J. Clarke on
Bret Cahill wrote:
>>>>> Shine a 4 milliwatt 645 nm wavelength dollar store pet laser onto
>>>>> a red reflector lens at night and it explodes into color.
>>>>> Slender reflective fibers would easily reflect a relatively low
>>>>> power satellite based laser a couple hundred miles back to the
>>>>> satellite and show up on satellite imaging. A very weak magnet on
>>>>> each fiber could orient the fibers in specified directions with
>>>>> respect to the earth's magnitic field it the time it would take to
>>>>> fall hundreds or thousands of feet from a plane.
>>>>> It would be very difficult to tramp over the fibers without
>>>>> disturbing the orientation.
>>>>> When Al Quada tries a night time ambush, everyone on the planet
>>>>> knows about it.
>>>> This is the kind of hare-brained scheme that some Beltway Bandit
>>>> would come up with. Fine, you can detect "tramping". So how do you
>>>> tell that it was the bad guys and not some kid herding his Daddy's
>>>> goats?
>>> Send a drone over.
>> And how does "sending a drone over" tell you about events that
>> happened hours earlier?
> You openly admit you are too stoopid to calculate the air speed of a
> drone?

By offering insultes instead of answers you show that you have run out of
defenses for your hare-brained scheme.

Work on your pitch some more--you're a long way from being ready for the
venture capitalists.

From: Bret Cahill on
> >>>>> Shine a 4 milliwatt 645 nm wavelength dollar store pet laser onto
> >>>>> a red reflector lens at night and it explodes into color.
> >>>>> Slender reflective fibers would easily reflect a relatively low
> >>>>> power satellite based laser a couple hundred miles back to the
> >>>>> satellite and show up on satellite imaging. A very weak magnet on
> >>>>> each fiber could orient the fibers in specified directions with
> >>>>> respect to the earth's magnitic field it the time it would take to
> >>>>> fall hundreds or thousands of feet from a plane.
> >>>>> It would be very difficult to tramp over the fibers without
> >>>>> disturbing the orientation.
> >>>>> When Al Quada tries a night time ambush, everyone on the planet
> >>>>> knows about it.
> >>>> This is the kind of hare-brained scheme that some Beltway Bandit
> >>>> would come up with. Fine, you can detect "tramping". So how do you
> >>>> tell that it was the bad guys and not some kid herding his Daddy's
> >>>> goats?
> >>> Send a drone over.
> >> And how does "sending a drone over" tell you about events that
> >> happened hours earlier?
> > You openly admit you are too stoopid to calculate the air speed of a
> > drone?
> By offering insultes instead of answers

Where are the critical responses, i.e., numbers and/or properly
applied laws of nature?

Bret Cahill