From: Bret Cahill on
> So how much does it cost

Can you think of any commodity cheaper than glass slivers or fibers?

Bret Cahill

From: Bret Cahill on
> > Shine a 4 milliwatt 645 nm wavelength dollar store pet laser onto a
> > red reflector lens at night and it explodes into color.
> > Slender reflective fibers would easily reflect a relatively low power
> > satellite based laser a couple hundred miles back to the satellite and
> > show up on satellite imaging.  A very weak magnet on each fiber could
> > orient the fibers in specified directions with respect to the earth's
> > magnitic field it the time it would take to fall hundreds or thousands
> > of feet from a plane.
> > It would be very difficult to tramp over the fibers without disturbing
> > the orientation.
> > When Al Quada tries a night time ambush, everyone on the planet knows
> > about it.
> unless it's cloudy, smoky or windy.

There are some days when I don't cycle to work too.

Maybe we should abolish bicycles . . .

> How many 4 mW lasere would ir take to cover the interesting parts of
> the world?

Stronger lasers aren't a serious cost.

The biggest cost will be producing and distributing the fibers.

Bret Cahill

From: osr on

> Kill all the privates you want, destroy all the materiel you can -
> we'll send some more.  We're happy to make our military supply friends
> rich, rich, rich!  The real weapon is local sand flies as trypanosome
> vectors (leishmaniasis).  The whole US, not merely its army, is
> already defeated.  A million veteran's faces will rot away starting in
> 20 years.  Transmitted by blood transfusions and needle sharing, too.
> HIV was the small stuff

Hey Al, Anti Leishmaniasis stuff is around, I know, I worked in the
lab that solved a major part of the problem.

From: Bret Cahill on
> >> So how much does it cost

> >Can you think of any commodity cheaper than glass slivers or fibers?

> Yes.  Big talk.

Which is why we are still waiting for your spread sheet on why it
should be summarily dismissed.

Are you really this witless in real life or are you just pulling our

Bret Cahill

From: Bret Cahill on
> >>>> So how much does it cost
> >>> Can you think of any commodity cheaper than glass slivers or fibers?
> >> Yes.  Big talk.
> > Which is why we are still waiting for your spread sheet on why it
> > should be summarily dismissed.
> > Are you really this witless in real life or are you just pulling our
> > legs?

.. . .

> Why is it, that every science kook tries to let others
> do the research??

If you aren't interested in science or engineering calculations feel
free to start a thread on your last Harlequin Romance Novel.

Bret Cahill