From: Gerhard Hellriegel on
your problem is not the code. It is the SIGNON which fails! Is this only
one program which runs remote? Maybe you do also online-signons? Compare
that with the batch-code. What is different?

You should use also for batch a remote-signon script, which contains all
necessary parameters. You also need to pass userid/pw via script 'cause
you don't have any chance to enter them.

Or did I understand that all wrong? What is your REMOTE system? Do you
have a remote system? That means, your UNIX machine is the local machine
but you submit the code to anothet machine?
If not, that code will not run, because there are RSUBMIT statements in
it. That is the same if you have "normal" code in the editor and submit it
via "RSUBMIT". If that is the case, remove all RSUBMIT and ENRSUBMITs and
try it again.

On Thu, 31 Jan 2008 00:19:12 -0500, Sam <sas.zheng(a)GMAIL.COM> wrote:

>Hi, All,
>I tried to run the following simple mp connect code under batch mode on
>UNIX. But the code failed. I have no problem to run this code on Windows.
>The error message is under code.
>I can not figure out why. Any suggestion is welcome.
>The command to run SAS program is "sas -sysin".
>The code in
>options autosignon=yes sascmd='!sascmd';
>rsubmit process=test1 wait=no;
>rsubmit process=test2 wait=no;
>waitfor _all_ test1 test2;
>Error message in Log:
>6 rsubmit process=test1 wait=no;
>NOTE: Remote signon to TEST1 commencing (SAS Release 9.01.01M3P020206).
>REMOTE(TEST1): ERROR: A communication subsystem environment initialization
>request failure
>REMOTE(TEST1): has occurred.
>REMOTE(TEST1): ERROR: Cannot locate TCP host 'LOCALHOST'.
>REMOTE(TEST1): NOTE: SAS Institute Inc., SAS Campus Drive, Cary, NC USA
>REMOTE(TEST1): NOTE: The SAS System used:
>REMOTE(TEST1): real time 0.15 seconds
>REMOTE(TEST1): cpu time 0.06 seconds
>ERROR: A communication subsystem partner link setup request failure has
>ERROR: SAS did not start properly. Please insure that your sascmd value
>not attempt to run SAS in the background.
>NOTE: Subsequent lines will be ignored until ENDRSUBMIT.
>ERROR: Remote submit to TEST1 cancelled.