From: Shadow on
On Sun, 30 May 2010 06:58:36 -0500, Fairfax <SpamNot(a)>

>>>Does anyone know of an MP3 utility that if you, say, drag and drop a
>>>bunch of MP3s into that will then dump the filename information into
>>>their ID3 tags? Thx.
>> [OT] in a freeware group:
>> I used to do that with Musicmatch jukebox, years ago
>> Can't even remember if its freeware or demo
>Hmm, thanks for this. I used to use MJ years ago and I do seem to
>remember there was a freeware version. My mmemory might not be so
>good. Wonder if I have a copy lying around somewhere backed up to CD.
>I'll have to check.
The old versions are on the link above. Small download (by
today's standards.) is a "safe" site, as far as "safe"
still exists. Read the page, it tells you about the restrictions Yahoo
imposed on MM.
From: Fairfax on
On Fri, 28 May 2010 12:05:58 -0400, Duddits <Duddits(a)>

>On Fri, 28 May 2010 07:59:23 -0500, Fairfax <SpamNot(a)>
>>Does anyone know of an MP3 utility that if you, say, drag and drop a
>>bunch of MP3s into that will then dump the filename information into
>>their ID3 tags? Thx.

This is why I don't use this app much. Nothing easy in changing the
title that I've been able to find. Sure, made the change globally but
then had to go back finetune manually <sigh>.

Going to just have to see if there's a way to get the ID tag info to
scroll in my handheld. This way is no solution at all that I can live
with long term. thx anyway.

p.s., just out of curiousity, though, when I use the "Actions"
command, they're not being saved. Good thing that a history is
maintained otherwise it'd be a worse pain. Any way to get MP3Tag to
remember jobs settings in the Actions commands?
From: Taf® on
On 28/05/2010 18:05:58... Duddits (Duddits(a) wrote :
> Mp3Tag

seconded! the best one IMHO.

ByE bYe By Taf� - WinPenPack Team Member - FREE USB SW -
A: Because it disturbs the logical flow of the message.
Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?
R: Perche' disturba il flusso logico della lettura
D: Perche' "postare sopra" e' tanto fastidioso?

From: Fairfax on
On Fri, 28 May 2010 07:59:23 -0500, Fairfax <SpamNot(a)>

>Does anyone know of an MP3 utility that if you, say, drag and drop a
>bunch of MP3s into that will then dump the filename information into
>their ID3 tags? Thx.

Found it!

Years I've been doing this pretty much quite manually. But today's
quest after so many over the years yielded the one app that seems to
do exactly what I need quickly and easily. It stills involves about 3
processes since it doens't do it all in one for me (or maybe I just
have to figure out how to rename the files themselves with this app
sometime down the road). But whatever the case may be, this app sure
as heck beats what I've been doing up till now, with or without my
trusty "MP3-Info shell extension".

App is called, of all things, MP3BookHelper. Misleading title a bit
though it's a good app for our MP3 book collections, too.

Info pg:

Open source, but boy, nothing open source about it. I didn't find it
clunky or ugly ::g::

Unlike MP3Tagger, no fiddling with setting up complex instructions
that 9 out of 10 times don't take for whatever reason it decides not
to tell you about. Unlike something like RenameMaster for files, no
complex scripting, either, at all. And a preview button let's you see
first-hand exactly what you're going to get before you do anything.

So, step 1, with a renaming app (Oscar's Renamer), stripped down the
MP3 filenames to exactly the most basic information I need which must
be reflected in the ID3 tag title. i.e., say we had a file called:

AvatarJC_CD1of3- 01- ''You Don't Dream in Cryo''.mp3

I'd strip with Oscar's the "prefix" of "AvatarJC_CD1OF3- '' so that
I'm just left with:

01- ''You Don't Dream in Cryo''.mp3

Launch MP3 Book helper and several fields for me just need straight
typing in: Artist, Album, Year, Genre. In this case, Artist = "James
Horner", Album = "Avatar soundtrack", Year = "2009", Genre =

IMPORTANT, so as to get proper filenames reflected, had to make sure
each time that of the 4 radio buttons at upper left hand-corner for
"Set ID3" that I choose the last one:


otherwise words in filename get squashed together and then the whole
thing gets truncated since its ID3 v2 tags are the ones that get fulll
names, etc., and ID3 v1 do not.

From there, the steps are easy though it's good to know a thing or

The tab I use out of all the options available is the one labelled
simply "TAGS".

The 'tricky' fields are the title, track and comment ones for me.

Track is easy, in MP3BookHelper I choose $i for "counter starts from

For the Comment box, I always put the track x of y info in, which
means in this app: "AvCD1- Track <count01> of <total>"

You could leave off the "01" in the <count> command but that would not
add a 0 to tracks 1 to 9. Without the 0, though, if you ever sort by
the Comment box, you'd get them out of order.

The comments field has never been easy to do in any other program.
Can't believe how there's no sweat equity with this app! Same with
the title.

For the title, another easy walk in the park. I put the "prefix" I
want in the title since what you want appearing in your player is
different from what you put in the actual filename. You want the
least amt of text in the "prefix" yet which identifies enough for
sorting purposes. I added "Av1_" for CD1, etc. So what I put in the
title box is something like this:


<File> takes the information from the filename. And since I renamed
the files to what I wanted the tags to reflect, all information good.

Once those few things are done, you can press the PREVIEW button in
the upper-righthand side in the TAGS tab interface itself. When you
make a change the "Preview" button text turns to "Reload" so just
press till you get your newest change reflected.

Above the preview button is a button labelled "Options". I only make
sure that the first option of the 7 listed called "Preview in Second
Line" is ticked. This way, the current titled is shown on one line
and a line underneath shows a duplicate line but with highlighted bits
in blue that will show what the changes will look like. Neat to be
able to see _exactly_ what you will get beforehand!

But you have to keep hitting that preview button to make sure what you
see is what you get since the preview isn't automatically shown each
time after you change something. So I just press that after each
change and before finalizing the changes.

You apply the changes using the double green check marks in the
toolbar (or press F2) and then changes will occur to finalize

Then I went back and renamed the files back to what they were before I
took out the "prefix" in the beginning (i.e., renamed the files so
that they had the "AvatarJC_CD1of3- " back in actual mp3 filenames).

I checked the files ID3 tags through MP3Info-Extension and all a-okay.

It took me longer to write this than it did to figure out the program
and write the tags to 3 folders!! That's how intuitive and easy I
found it <g>. I love programs that work this easily. So MP3Tagger
got dumped but good <g>. MP3Info-Extension stays, though. I've
always loved how easy it is to access ID3 tag information through
properties and it, of course, shows my icons geared towards the
bitrate in each file.

So now my ID3 tagging arsenal is complete.

Enjoy. :)