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In article
<tkettler-6EE1CC.09174807072010(a)reserved-multicast-range-not-delegated.e>, Thomas R. Kettler <tkettler(a)> wrote:

> After all, there wasn't an SE/30 either and they were quite significant.

but not visually different from an se and only slightly different from
the original mac.

there was no 20th anniversary mac, nor the original g3 all-in-one known
as the molar, nor the colour classic which had its own unique (and
ugly) shape. they skipped the white ibooks which were vastly more
popular than the toilet seat ibooks they did show.

> Also, it would have cool to have seen a Grape iMac.

they had a couple of colours, but there were so many there is no way
they could have had all of them.

> Thankfully, there wasn't a Flower Power iMac.

yes, that thing was disgusting and embarrassing, as was the blue
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