From: Fred Moore on
FYI: For those of you who don't read Macintouch regularly, there was an
interesting post by Ishan Bhattacharya in the iPhone 4 forum
The notable quote is:

'The photos of him with Medvedev shows a very sick man (I'm a physician
familiar with end-of-life issues, but it doesn't require an MD to see
the pronounced muscle wasting apparent).'

(To anyone who thinks this post is off topic for csms, I can think of
nothing more relevant to the Mac OS than Steve Jobs' health.)
From: JF Mezei on
Fred Moore wrote:

> (To anyone who thinks this post is off topic for csms, I can think of
> nothing more relevant to the Mac OS than Steve Jobs' health.)

While Steve Jobs was on "sabbatical", I asked about this, and many told
me (here) that there were enough "great" people within Apple to continue
the spirit of innovation after Jobs retires.

And Apple might become a little less proprietary, perhaps allowing OS-X
to run on other EFI based computers not built by Apple. (HP, Dell etc)

I don't think there is much of a chance of Apple bringing in boring
bankers like Scully who would ruin Apple again. The memories of Apple's
near demise are still fairly fresh that they won't repeat the same mistakes.

Big question is who will replace steve Balmer at Microsoft, and whether
this will be a banker or a visionary. With a visionary, it might give
Microsoft a chance to come back with a vengeance.

Lets face it, Apple Computers exists today due to the mediocrity of
Microsoft. Apple Inc may exist due to ipod and iphone, but the Mac
would see a very small market share if Microsoft managed to clean up
their act and source code (and in fairness, MS has managed to make
significant improvements to Windows in the past decade).
From: Jolly Roger on
In article <fmoore-ABA736.14223407072010(a)>,
Fred Moore <fmoore(a)> wrote:

> FYI: For those of you who don't read Macintouch regularly, there was an
> interesting post by Ishan Bhattacharya in the iPhone 4 forum
> <>.
> The notable quote is:
> 'The photos of him with Medvedev shows a very sick man (I'm a physician
> familiar with end-of-life issues, but it doesn't require an MD to see
> the pronounced muscle wasting apparent).'

Oh please. I don't care who he is, he can't tell much at all from a
single photo.

Send responses to the relevant news group rather than email to me.
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my very hungry SPAM
filter. Due to Google's refusal to prevent spammers from posting
messages through their servers, I often ignore posts from Google
Groups. Use a real news client if you want me to see your posts.

From: Richard Maine on
Fred Moore <fmoore(a)> wrote:

> (To anyone who thinks this post is off topic for csms, I can think of
> nothing more relevant to the Mac OS than Steve Jobs' health.)

I can.

Richard Maine | Good judgment comes from experience;
email: last name at domain . net | experience comes from bad judgment.
domain: summertriangle | -- Mark Twain
From: Priam on
On 07/07/2010 02:50 PM, JF Mezei wrote:
> Fred Moore wrote:
>> (To anyone who thinks this post is off topic for csms, I can think of
>> nothing more relevant to the Mac OS than Steve Jobs' health.)
> While Steve Jobs was on "sabbatical", I asked about this, and many told
> me (here) that there were enough "great" people within Apple to continue
> the spirit of innovation after Jobs retires.
> And Apple might become a little less proprietary, perhaps allowing OS-X
> to run on other EFI based computers not built by Apple. (HP, Dell etc)

Dreaming again, JF? Apple will never come less proprietary. Hey, that's
how it milks you suckers. They've tried before and Apple almost
disappeared. When Jobs came back, he stopped this /nonsense/.
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