From: arnaud Collet on

I'm using Matlab 7.9.0 (R2009b) with windows 7 x64.
I'm trying to make a movie in avi format.

Here my matlab code to do it :
film = avifile('helppp.avi','fps',5,'quality',100,'compression','none');
for i=1:20
k = i*100;
s = ['u_num-' int2str(k) '.txt'];
g = load(s);
u = reshape(g,801,801);
pcolor(u);shading interp;
f = getframe(gcf);
film = addframe(film,f);
film = close(film)

With this code, the avi file (my movie) is weel generated but when I try to read it, it doesn't work. In fact, the movie always stays with the first image during the video.

Someone can help me ?

Thanks for your answers !