From: Heiko on

is there any chance to define a dynamic vector size in Matlab Embedded?

The implementation would be as described below:

I want to use dynamic Weibull Analysis on Fault Events, hence the vector containing the times of fault events is continuously increasing as more events are occuring. The matlab function 'wblfit' does only work on elements > 0, hence i need a method without predefining the vector containing all elements as zeros(nx,1) and then run the simulation until nx events occured (if i predefine it with ones(nx,1) or something else > 0, the analysis would be wrong, as events that did not occur would be taken into account).

Maybe ana one of you can help me, finally i just need a method to use a dynamic vector as 'persistent' variable in Matlab Embedded Code for Simulink!

Thank you in advance,
