From: Faisal on
Hi all,

I've been trying to make an animation in avi format using the following code (posted at the end).

The main issues i'm having are:
1. the animation is messed up displaying different parts of the animation in different areas eg. what should be at the bottom left corner is displayed in the top right corner.

2. the file is 4gb

Any help, especially with the first issue would be greatly appreciated!
load 11_51.MAT;

%Define area to be recorded
rect(1:2)=[0 0];

%DEFINE number of frames


%initialise matrix using 'moviein'
frame1=moviein(nframe1, hf, rect);

%Fix the features of the plot window
%generate frames
for j=1:14000

%xlid, zlid or xlidT, zlidT

%setting axis
axis([-2 12 0 2]);
title(['Swash Motion, frame: ',num2str(j)]);
xlabel('wave position (m)');
ylabel('wave height (m)')
frame1(j,:)= getframe(hf, rect);

save frame1

%save movie as avi
movie2avi(frame1,'swash motion1.avi');