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moving average code going slow Hey guys I have a moving average code that I asked some advice on before, but i'm still not getting it to work any faster. It is still taking about 10 minutes to run even after adding in a line to preallocate my array. Here is the code I am using on a small example. a= 20041126 7.11 20041... 5 Jun 2010 12:30
Encryption Algorithm i need code for DES encryption Algorithm apply on Images.................plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and also tell me how can i apply AES toolbox on Images instead of Plain text......................plz help.................. ... 5 Jun 2010 12:30
Remove elements from sparse matrix Interesting thing. I tested thee approaches. Assuming that all entries in A are ones! T = sparse(IT, JT, 1, n, n); 1) setsparse(A, I1, J1, 0); A1 = setsparse(A, IT, JT, 0); 2) Using setdiff([I J], [I1 J2]); [I J] = find(A); [IJ] = setdiff([I J], [IT JT], 'rows'); A2 = sparse(IJ(:,1), IJ(:,2), 1, n, n); 3) ... 5 Jun 2010 11:24
Remove elements from sparse matrix "Andrei Baskakov" <dronbas(a)> wrote in message <hudni9$mi9$1(a)>... Yes, I'm using it also. But this function (as I undestand) first set's to zero given elements and then removes zeros from a sparse matrix. I wonder whether it will be really faster to modify setsparse so it only removes eleme... 5 Jun 2010 11:24
Remove elements from sparse matrix Yes, I'm using it also. But this function (as I undestand) first set's to zero given elements and then removes zeros from a sparse matrix. I wonder whether it will be really faster to modify setsparse so it only removes elements. I'm examining sources of setsparse function You might want to try this tool: http... 5 Jun 2010 11:24
Find vector perpendicular to axis A and through point B I have an axis A, with normalized directional vector d=[ 0.0994 0.2237 0.9696] and positional vector O=[1 1 1]. Now I have a point in space R1= [0.0905 -3.7694 2.1939]. How do I calculate the vector which is perpendicular to the Axis and through R1 with Matlab? ... 5 Jun 2010 11:24
How to call a program after figure becomes visible Hi, I want to call a program immediately after the figure generated with GUIDE becomes visible. How can I do it? I know if I use GUIDE to crate a gui named test_gui and the function test_gui_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) is executed just before test_gui is made visible. I want to call a function... 7 Jun 2010 22:10
bvp5c question Dear all, I am trying to solve a system of ODE's with boundary conditions using bvp5c. I was wondering if anybody knows how to impose two sets of boundary conditions. I need y(0)=13.4171, y(2*pi)=13.4171 for y(1) and y(0)=115, y(2*pi)=115 for y(2) I get an error stating "The boundary condition function ... 7 Jun 2010 03:07
Line plot starting at second x axis tick and ... Hey guys, I hope for one of you this is a simple task. I need to adjust the line plot so that the first observation is not plotted at zero, but at one (2nd tick on x axis). Also, the last observation should correspond with the 2nd last tick on the x axis. Visually the result should be a line plot surrounded by some ... 5 Jun 2010 15:48
Remove elements from sparse matrix "Andrei Baskakov" <dronbas(a)> wrote in message <hudg5v$k9p$1(a)>... Hello! I have a sparse matrix A, defining an adjency matrix. I need to delete a lot of it's elements. The way I did it: IJ = zeros(nnz(A), 2, 'int32'); [IJ(:,1) IJ(:,2)] = find(A); [I1 J1] = [10 20;1 3;....... 5 Jun 2010 10:18 |