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bayer pattern histogram
Hi, I want to calculate color histogram base on the output image data from CMOS sensor. The output of the sensor core is a 12-bit parallel pixel data stream in RGB bayer pattern.the histogram calculation aims to determine the explosion time of sensor. Here I have a question, the colors are alternatively discrived a... 7 Jun 2010 07:25
spline approximation with specified end conditions
Hi, everyone Here’s my question. I’ve got some discrete data, (xi,yi), i=0,1,2, …,n, where xi are monotonically increasing and belong to interval [a,b]. I want to do some spline approximation job(with spline toolbox) to fit the data, but the difficulty lies in: first, there are some end conditio... 7 Jun 2010 07:25
solve an equation and get real&greater than zero root
I am new to to matlab.Just I want to solve an equation and from those roots i want to select real&positive root.I am trying to excute a simple program,but it is showing undefined method or function 'gt' for input arguments of type 'sym'.Can u help me anybody in this. Program is syms x; x=solve('x^4+4*x^2-6400'... 7 Jun 2010 09:38
FIFOfor HDL code generation
Hi, i want to model a fifo for HDL code generation. The FIFO block already in simulink is not HDL supported.Help is required. thanx ... 13 Jun 2010 23:46
Simultaneous fit to ARMA/GARCH with multiple time series
I am trying to fit a single ARMAX/GARCH model to multiple time series to produce a single model that is the best fit to the aggregate signal of all the time series. Obviously I cannot simply append one time series to the next since the transition between series would produce errors in the lag operators. Likewise, I c... 15 Jun 2010 12:01
Image Processing Help required...
Hi, I having mutiple almost diagnol shape lines in an Image and i want to extract them one by one. Now i don't have an exact idea that how should i b able to extract it one by one using Matlab.... Can anyone help me out?? ... 9 Jun 2010 06:25
Method by which fsolve solves systems of nonlinear equations?
See subject. Roughly how does it work? Does it do some symbolic manipulation and substitution on the equations? Is there a numeric algorithm (without symbolic subs)? A trick like (3x+y+26)**2 + (5x+2y-10)**2 for linear systems? ... 8 Jun 2010 10:17
Return variables to command line from GUI
Hi Everyone, I'm trying to design a GUI that I can run from a script, returning the values entered by the user back to the script for further processing. My problem is that I can't seem to get my values back through their varargout. I've tried tinkering with the output function, but it hasn't fixed anything. I... 6 Jun 2010 23:51
print -dmeta printing wrong figure
I'm trying to copy a figure that's been created by a GUI to the clipboard using print -dmeta. However, whenever I do this, the GUI gets copied to the clipboard instead. For example, if I do: figure(1) print -dmeta I'd expect to get figure one on the clipboard. But I don't. if I gcf, it shows up as 1. Intere... 7 Jun 2010 15:27
"I'd like to know where you looked expecting to be able"
Hi Folks, it is no secret how much I d-s-l-k- the design of these sites. The unbelievable thread below just says it all (Kian rocks!) Now, seriously. The cheapest way is a doit4me sort of approach of course. MthWrks staff largely relies on the id... 7 Jun 2010 15:27
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