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Am I inside a TRY statement?
Hi all, I was wondering if there was a way to detect if the running code is within a try statement? something like: try bool = inside_try_catch(); <-- would return "true" catch bool = inside_try_catch(); <-- would return "false" end Thought about it for a while but could not find a solution... ... 11 Jun 2010 11:26
programmatically determine if using Matlab Desktop vs terminal?
Is there a way to determine if the matlab desktop is being used? Or alternatively what the matlab command line options were (i.e. if - nodesktop or -nodisplay were used)? I have a system call that outputs colored strings (from bash) that look nice when run from a terminal, but don't translate to the matlab desk... 10 Jun 2010 17:54
Creating a structure of arbitary depth from a cell array of
Rich N <richnicholson(a)> wrote in message <f44a9168-463e-48d4-9fbd-31c02f202803(a)>... Thanks, I think you meant to type Root = subsasgn(Root, struct('type', repmat({'.'},1,length(fields)), 'subs', fields), 5); Or simply: Root = subsasgn(Root, struct('type','.', 'subs... 10 Jun 2010 15:40
Fast XML reader?
I have some very large XML files, up to 10mB each, that I need to read into Matlab structures. I have tried the native xmlread and several other XML readers / parsers posted on Matlab Central's File Exchange. They all work OK but have yet to find a function that can do it without taking minutes per file. Anyone run acr... 10 Jun 2010 15:40
Creating a structure of arbitary depth from a cell array of strings
Hello, I've got a cell array of strings and I'd like to use this to generate fields in a structure, a bit like this: fields = {'One', 'Two', 'Three'}; value = 5; Root.(fields{1}).(fields{2}).(fields{3}) = value; so I end up with Root.One.Two.Three = 5 My question is, if I don't know how long the fields ... 10 Jun 2010 14:32
question on sym2poly
briefly, here an example, C1=1+2*C(1,1); C(1,1) is a symbol. i try to get these numeric coefficients(say, 1 and 2) of a symbolic polynomial(C1). but i got a error ??? Error using ==> mupadmex Error in MuPAD command: DOUBLE cannot convert the input expression into a double array. If the input expression contai... 10 Jun 2010 15:40
Maximizing revenue over a many time periods
I am trying maximize revenue over a number of weeks with a non-linear constraint. I have 27 weeks over which I want to maximize revenue. I have a maximum price I can charge and price is a non-linear function of quantity. I have a maximum quantity of goods I can sell. I want to find the optimal quantity of goods ... 10 Jun 2010 14:32
2d algorithm
Hi, Can anyone please help me to code a 2D algorithm in a iterative loop like forward march. I need to integrate P(x,y). I have different equations for P(x) & P(y), but I need the code to solve for P(x) in right(x) direction and P(y) in down(y) direction as both are dependent on each other. For example: the value p... 10 Jun 2010 14:32
GUI control - how to test for button push
I'm not new to Matlab, but I've never written GUI code in Matlab. I have an already written MAtlab GUI I need to edit. In part of the code, code that executes when a particulalr button is pressed, I want to creat a simple loop where the body of the loop is executed over and over until 'something happens' in the main... 10 Jun 2010 14:32
average every n rows of data in a timeseries
I have velocity data with measurements made every 6 minutes for several months (uniform time). Each 6-minute interval is sampled with a burst of 10 samples, thus my data vector is 10x longer than my time vector (which is seperate from this matrix) data <69590x18 double> time <6959x12 double> I need to avera... 10 Jun 2010 15:40
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