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Slider Listening/Callback not working Hi, i'm new here. I have the following problem, hopefully somebody can help me. I made a "minimal code". The Problem is that every time the event is thrown the slider_call callback function is executed, but the propertie testvalue won't ne change. When the callback ist executed for a second time der propertie value... 11 Jun 2010 13:39
Do GUIDE Gui's have handles? Hi, This a simple question. I'm trying to access the handle of the figure generated by my guide GUI from within another function. Currently, I'm using guihandles=guidata(gcf) from within my function, but I would like to replace gcf with something more reliable in case the user switches focus to another figure. Is t... 10 Jun 2010 14:32
Error: "MATLAB cannot be opened because of a problem" I was running a MATLAB program which hung on a socket read and I had to terminate it using Cmd-Alt-ESC (MacBook Pro). I ran the program again and it hung again so I killed it again. This time upon trying to restart MATLAB I *immediately* get a dialog box that says "MATLAB cannot be opened because of a problem." and the... 22 Jun 2010 14:55
cut out false data Hi everyone, my question might sound stupid but I couldn't figure it out... I have extracted date out of a .txt file. However there is some data that is invalid (represented by a -9999 entry). I want to make a graph out of this data, but I want to cut out the invalid data (the -9999s). Is there a way to set every d... 10 Jun 2010 16:47
Space one array and other questions Hi, i will use this topic to some question about the work I'm doing. (encoding code words of block linear) 1st I have this code to generate an array with all possibility of binary combinations: for i=1:2^k m(1,1:k)=dec2bin(0,k); m(i,1:k)=dec2bin(i-1,k); end I want one space between each bit... how can ... 11 Jun 2010 09:12
Pulling parametric uncertainty out of a model I've build a state-space model with parametric uncertainty by using the ureal to represent uncertainty in my parameters (spring stiffnesses, damping etc.). I'd like to be able to take this model and pull out the uncertainties into a separate bock. Is there an efficient way of separating the uncertainty block from an un... 10 Jun 2010 12:15
install Matlab R2010b on Mac? Hi, I was trying to download R2010b for a Mac for installation, but realize that there was only one option of "64 bit" for Mac. But my Mac is 32 bit, is this a problem? Thanks. ... 10 Jun 2010 13:23
Segmented multiple linear regression ? Hi, I posted a message yesterday on the subject, but I didn't get any response, so I will try again to explain my problem. I'm sorry if I'm irritating anyone by posting two messages on the same problem, but since I got no answers, I think it's ok. I'm currently programming a GUI for nivelling fields. Right now, m... 10 Jun 2010 16:47
Java problem Marno, Try to search for java.opts which allows setting up heap size when MATLAB starts up java. Good luck! Ed. "Marno " <marnohopmans(a)> wrote in message <hp4lch$sof$1(a)>... Hi, I'm running Matlab 2007b with Simulink. In the last few days a receive the following message... 10 Jun 2010 12:15
how to implement handshaking with two sessions of matlab? Paul, A classic server is running all the time listening... So you might need to change your server code to listen in a loop and response to client connections upon detection. Good luck! Ed. "Paul " <paul.verkempynck(a)> wrote in message <hph89b$r3r$1(a)>... Dear all, ... 10 Jun 2010 12:15 |