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Percent Format Hello, I have a bar plot with x-axis labels showing as 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, etc. How do I change these to 4%, 6%, 8%, etc. Also, how do I show more digits to the right of the decimal? ie: 4.0% vs 4%? Thanks! ... 26 Jun 2010 23:54
Wavelet Transform In the code below wavelet and getCodeMatrix does't work....pleaase help function varargout = frmMain(varargin) % FRMMAIN M-file for frmMain.fig % FRMMAIN, by itself, creates a new FRMMAIN or raises the existing % singleton*. % % H = FRMMAIN returns the handle to a new FRMMAIN or the handle to % ... 27 Jun 2010 03:06
Solving PDE's using PDEDE Hello, I have this partial differential equation.. It shows the degradation of the extracellular matrix by the action of matrix degrading enzymes. "partial"v/partial"t" = -c.m.v where c = degrading constant m= enzyme density v=extracellular matrix density c=8.15 x=linspace(0,1,20) I want the soluti... 26 Jun 2010 19:34
Solving PDE's using PDEDE Hello, I have this partial differential equation.. It shows the degradation of the extracellular matrix by the action of matrix degrading enzymes. "partial"v/partial"t" = -c.m.v where c = degrading constant m= enzyme density v=extracellular matrix density c=8.15 x=linspace(0,1,20) I want the soluti... 26 Jun 2010 19:34
Bayesian Information Criterion with AR model Dear all, I need to model my data with AR model and estimate the appropriate model order with Schwarz's Bayesian Criterion (or Bayesian Information Criterion, BIC). I found a function aicbic that is supposed to do this, but it needs two input parameters (LLF and NumParams) that led me to other more complex models an... 27 Jun 2010 11:43
Constrain Histogram X Axis Hello, I'm trying to make a histogram where the x axis ranges from -10 to 10. Given the dataset, MATLAB automatically sets the x axis range to -8 to 10. Can anyone explain how to change it to -10 to 10? I didn't have any luck with xlim([-10,10]) Thanks! b ... 26 Jun 2010 21:44
Error executing mcc Hi everyone, I am trying to build an executable file which can be run on computers which does not have matlab installed in it. I'm using Matlab-R2008A on Windows Vista and MS Visual Studio 2005. In order to learn this I tried following the instructions in the help example for creating a magic square application named ... 29 Jun 2010 14:04
MTP (MultiParametricToolbox) Hello, I'm using MPT Studio to generate a controller for a system. I've never used it before. I wrote the System Dynamics, the System Constraints, the Penalties, the Reference point, the Prediction horizon; when I press the buttom Generate Controller, the message "CAT arguments dimensions are not consistent" appears o... 28 Jun 2010 09:29
How to make Matlab R2009b recognize Visual Studio 2010 Hi Everybody, I am newbie in Matlab. I have Matlab version R2009b and I have installed Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. My pc runs Windows XP. My problem is that when I use the mex -setup command in Matlab command window, Matlab doesn't recognize Visual Studio 2010. In fact, when I type mex -setup, here is what I got: ... 28 Jun 2010 10:35
Matrix 8x8 Hi dear friends I have defined a symbolic matrix A (8,8) . The matrix have many parameters that dependent form the uknow variable E. I would like to solve the equation det(A)=0 and find the various values for E. The problem is that the matrix that Matlab computes becomes very difficult to handle. In fact th... 26 Jun 2010 17:24 |