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meet mothen 300,000 activated hot people, free live video chat, live movies...
meet mothen 300,000 activated hot people, free live video chat, live movies... meet mothen 300,000 activated hot people, free live video chat, live movies... free login... 12 Aug 2010 13:39
xPC hangs up at "Starting"
Issue : Sparatically when my stand alone model loads the xPC target hangs up at the "Starting" message and does not get to "Running". The xPC execution time never increments and I am forced to physically reboot the PC. I run 6 numerical target scopes that all load, however no characters are ever displayed. This seems ... 12 Aug 2010 13:40
Concatenate in a loop
Hi, I am facing a trouble while concatenating in a loop. Here is a problem: I have matrix B1, B2, B3, B4.....,B20 (each matrix has different number of rows but have same number of columns i.e. 3) and on each matrix I perform a certain operation. At the end of the operation I write the data to a txt file and cle... 13 Aug 2010 11:23
What does it mean for a folder with "@" in front of the name?
A lot of packages I download from web includes folders that have "@" in front of their names. What does it mean? Thanks. ... 12 Aug 2010 14:46
variables in recursion
the function is supposed to decompose matrix B to two new ones, C_1 and C_2. then, for each of the new matrices checks the condition and decompose if needed. i use n to name the new matrices, but if i define variable n=1 at the beginning of the function, it resets every time back to 1, and i don't know how to define it... 12 Aug 2010 15:52
Juggling with fsolve (or another fsolve problem)
Hi, Playing with fsolve, I reached to a point where two equivalent portions of code, at first glance, produce different results. In "case A" the program does correctly the optimization, but in "case B" it can't do it. Why? Link to source code: Thanks and regard... 12 Aug 2010 13:39
In regionprops function what is the clear definition of : 'MaxIntensity' & 'MinIntensity' since the image is binary what is the meaning of :Scalar specifying the value of the pixel with the greatest intensity in the region. please help me with this concept ..................... by the way how can someone ch... 12 Aug 2010 12:33
Parfor: two loops inside each other.
Hi all, I have basically this situation: A=[1,2,3,4,5]; B=[5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]; parfor i=1:5 n(i)=A(i); for j=1:8 m=B(j); end end Matlab tells me that B is not sliced. Is there any way around this problem? I haven't seen any(?) examples where there are two loops like this inside ea... 12 Aug 2010 14:46
Code Composer Studio 4.1 support for Stellaris
Hello Is there Simulink Support for Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio for Stellaris Cortex M3 Code? Thanks ... 12 Aug 2010 12:33
How to generate such a data table?
Dear all, The problem is like this: Lets say x = [1 2 3; 16 13 10; 4 6 8]; y = [0.5 0.6 0.7; 1 1.2 1.4; 2 2.4 2.8]; the data is like this distributed: diff(x(1,:)) = 1; diff(x(2,:)) = 3; diff(x(3,:)) = 2; diff(y(1,:)) = 0.1; diff(... 13 Aug 2010 21:13
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