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hii all, can anybody help me in implementing 4FSK modulation and demodulation? If you could give me some references atleast,it would be great.... thanks ... 13 Aug 2010 10:17
hii all, can anybody help me in implementing 4FSK modulation and demodulation? If you could give me some references atleast,it would be great.... thanks ... 13 Aug 2010 07:02
RMS calculation in frequency domain after windowing
Hi, my first question in here.. So I know I can calculate RMS in frequency domain as derived from Parseval's Theorem. See for example Wikipedia: But what if I have applied a windowing function before doing the fft? In my case a Hann window. Now... 13 Aug 2010 11:23
How to 'detect' zeros between two non-zeros numbers ?
Hi everyone, I'm trying to build an algorithm so that i could know if in any vector there is a zero (or many) between 2 non-zeros numbers. For example : x=[0 0 0 0 1 2 3 0 0 4 0 0 0] How could i know that there is 2 zeros between 3 and 4 ? The zeros at the beginning and the end don't interest me. Any sugg... 13 Aug 2010 11:23
slow drawing on figure with many GUI elements
Hello I created two GUIs with GUIDE. They contain: GUI1: 1 Axis GUI2: 1 Axis and 50 other elements such as buttons, sliders etc... In both cases, I render a 3d object onto the axis and rotate it manually with cameratoolbar('setmode','orbit'). GUI2 is much slower compared to GUI1. While I get around 25fps for GU... 13 Aug 2010 05:57
Reading mouse position while the mouse is moving in GUI
I found it out! The property must be defined right after plotting the image. Hope this helps someone who is struggling with the same problem. ... 13 Aug 2010 03:49
can anyone help me with my code?
snr=100; beta=10; Qe1=2*snr*rand(0,1000);Qea=2*snr*rand(0,1000); Qi1=2*snr*rand(0,1000);Qia=2*snr*rand(0,1000); Qe1=2*snr-Qea-Qi1-Qia; a=(beta^2)*Qe1/(1+(beta^2)*Qi1); b=(beta^2)*Qea/(1+(beta^2)*Qia); alpha=1; c=(sqrt(Qe1)+alpha*sqrt(Qea)).^2; d=1+Qi1+(alpha^2)*Qia; e=c/d; if {min(... 13 Aug 2010 03:49
there is something wrong somewhere in my matlab code
clear all; close all disp('Generate 0.02-second sinewave of 100 Hz and Vp=5'); fs = 8000; %sampling rate T = 1/fs; %sampling interval t = 0:T:0.02; sig = 4.5*sin(2*pi*100*t); bits = input('input number of bits=>'); lg = length(sig); for x = 1:lg [Index(x)pq] = biquant(bits,-5,5,sig(x)); %Output the quantiz... 13 Aug 2010 03:49
Matlab does'nt work anymore
After power failure Matlab doesn't work. Reinstalation did not help What mean folowing error which I receive after matlab start? Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at java.lang.System.arraycopy(Native Method) at com.mathworks.widgets.text.mcode.MLintUtils.conv... 13 Aug 2010 07:02
Hii All, I want to frequency modulate a digital signal.In the code given to me,i found a statement. int_m=cumsum(signal)./fs; and the frequency modulation is implemented using basic equation of FM. s=cos(2 pi fc t+ 2 pi fd int_m)+ j sin(2 pi fc t+2 pi fd int_m) My question is if we do integration of signal u... 13 Aug 2010 02:46
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