Good afternoon, Does anybody know of the location of some decent code to estimate FIGARCH (Fractionally Integrated GARCH) models? Thanks, Derek ... 9 Nov 2006 13:45
Repeated Measures MANOVA
Hello, Is there a way to run repeated measures MANOVA in MATLAB? I have one independent variable (10 levels) and 11 dependent variables. Each subject participates in each of the 10 levels of the independent variable. There are no between subject; hence this is a one-way repeated measures MANOVA. The manova1 func... 9 Nov 2006 12:09
training NN gives different output for each run
Dear all, I am new to ANN and I am trying to run ANN to obtain a regression equation for some data. I use the same script for the same data but the strange thing is that whenever I run the script, I obtain different results ( I mean different correlation coeeficient as well as different error value). I am wonderin... 26 Oct 2006 14:12
Java problem on Solaris when matlab run as user
I just installed Matlab R2006b on a user's Sun (SPARC) Solaris workstation. When run as root, it loads and works properly. However when run as user upon loading matlab, I get a slew of Java errors in the matlab console: Exception in thread "Thread-6" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError at com.mathworks.mde.e... 26 Oct 2006 08:24
problem opening Matlab figures created byMATLAB installed at the other PC
Hi there, I have a Matlab Version when opening a figure created at the other PC (Also MATLAB 7) open('Fig5PRL.fig'); one gets the message ??? Error using ==> open Unable to find function containerDelete within C:\MATLAB7\toolbox\matlab\uitools\javacomponent.m Meanwhile, the figure ... 23 Oct 2006 08:58
Hi, I just start to usse Matlab now: I have to interpolate max e min of a transmission spectrum and spline function doesn't work very well. I tried to use pchip just follow the example I found in ML inserting my value but I got errors: ??? Error using ==> polyfun\private\chckxy There should be at least two da... 18 Oct 2006 09:30
movavg function
I am trying to run the function 'movavg' with no success. What should i include to be able to run it? which package? Thanks ... 16 Oct 2006 12:52
directory name too long
hi every body i have a problem with matlab . i use this m-file : syms x y B=0;d=2;m1=0.5;m2=1-m1; u=x-m1*x/(x^2+y^2)-m2*(x-B*m1*x/(x^2+y^2)-d)/((x-B*m1*x/(x^2+y^2)-d)^2+(y-B*m1*y/(x^2+y^2))^2); v=y-m1*y/(x^2+y^2)-m2*(y-B*m1*y/(x^2+y^2))/((x-B*m1*x/(x^2+y^2)-d)^2+(y-B*m1*y/(x^2+y^2))^2); k11=diff(u,x); k12=... 13 Oct 2006 12:32
error saving figure
Can anyone help please? When I try to save a figure I get the error message "No constructor graphics.datacursormanager with mathcing signature found" ... 6 Oct 2006 10:18
Replacing ',' with '.'
Hello, I have a huge amount of numbers in a .txt file. The numbers are in the form 2,43252e+1. I need to replace the , with . How should I do this? I'd prefer some import method that does this during the import procedure. -Janne ... 10 Oct 2006 06:43