Power flow Optimization with PSO
Does anyone have a MatLab program that solve a power flow problem with optimization with PSO of the power losses?In my problem o need to calculate and to minimize the Reactive Power. Thanks ... 15 Dec 2006 13:49
GUI - Activex Resizing
Hi all, I am creating a GUI where I am using activex control named videosoftflexarray control . I also have a popup menu and based on selection change in popup menu i need to resize the activexcontrol. when i do this in my popup menu callback function i get following message: ??? Invoke Error, Dispatch Except... 15 Dec 2006 13:16
Intel Mac Beta, Problems with fortran mex functions?
Thank you! I was having the same problem and this has at least allowed me to get something running (by renaming a bunch of function calls in my source code). Did you ever find a way to get it to properly include the $MATLAB/extern/include/fintrf.h file? - Ray Sonny Jeon wrote: OK. Finally figured it ... 14 Dec 2006 18:03
this is an exemple of help: T = 0:0.001:2; X = chirp(T,100,1,200,'q'); spectrogram(X,128,120,128,1E3); title('Quadratic Chirp'); and it gives me following error: ??? Undefined function or method 'welchparse' for input arguments of type 'double'. Error in ==> spectrogram at 116 [x,nx,xisreal,y,Ly,win,wi... 15 Dec 2006 17:38
loonking for examples MATLAB LDPC function for version 2006b
I am looking for examples for MATLAB LDPC function for version 2006b. The fec.ldpcenc and fec.ldpcdec can Construct LDPC encoder/decoder objects with user supplied H matrix. Does anyone have H matrix examples other than the default DVBS-2 and simple 4x6 example in the help file? Thanks. ... 12 Dec 2006 14:00
Convert Cell array to string
How can I convert 1x3 cell array A = {'ab' 'cd' 'ef'} to string? I want to print cell array A on screen horizontally by text(X,Y,A) where X and Y are x and y co-ordinates and A is cell array. At the moment it is printing vertically on screen. ... 9 Dec 2006 16:07
Network size (using newff)
Please help: Would there be a formula to find the optimum number of neurons needed for each of the layers in a 2 layer feedfor/backprop network. as in: net = newff([min max],[x y],{'tansig' 'purelin'}); what is the best way to determine 'x' and 'y', or more specifically 'x' as y is usually 1. Many thanks... 9 Dec 2006 14:29
Invalid settings for input port dimension of
Hi Nox, dimensions in the sense? i couldn't get to ur point... the problem lies with the link between state-space block and demux block.. i have a doubt that,this due to single link between state-space and demux.. but the block contain 2 values (x and y)........... i think this is the place where my pro... 30 Nov 2006 05:23
inputdlg box
So I'm trying to fill a variable, "numstars" with user input: prompt = {'How many stars would you like to plot?'}; dlg_title = 'Please enter number of stars...'; num_lines = 1; def = {'all'}; [num] = inputdlg(prompt,dlg_title,num_lines,def); if (num{1}) == 'all', numstars = 300 else numstars = str2num(num{... 21 Nov 2006 14:50
R2006a problem
Hello, The R2006a have just installed in my computer for a month. The new licence already updated. It worked very well before. But now all Simulink model(simulinkpowersystem) show "no licence" and Simulinkpowersystem does not work. Anyone may help? Thanks a lot! Angela ... 13 Nov 2006 03:52