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can't mex fortran files on mac 10.6 When I try to compile a fortran program with mex I get the following error: mex timestwo.f ld: library not found for -lgfortranbegin collect2: ld returned 1 exit status mex: link of ' "timestwo.mexmaci"' failed. I do have some version of gfortran installed (I can call gfortran from the command line), ... 10 Feb 2010 20:13
Help with Signal processing I want to do following step but not sure how to do it 1. Take some irregularly sample spikes 2. Make it as a power of 2 to apply FFT later 3. Do convolution with Gaussian function or B spline 4. Now after convolution my sample are regular, now i am applying FFT 5. Some spectrum after FFT Any body can give me... 11 Feb 2010 02:49
simulating multidim Heston paths Hi, I'd like to simulate Npaths, with each path comprised of Nsteps timesteps for the Heston process. I have used the following code obj = heston (ret, speed, level,vol); obj.StartState = [S0 ; Vinit]; Corr = zeros(2,2); obj.Correlation = Corr; V=obj.simByEuler(Nsteps, 'deltatime', step, 'ntrials',Npaths); Ho... 10 Feb 2010 20:13
Plot 3d data pts w/ lsqcurvefit & mesh I am having trouble creating a lsqcurvefit and mesh plot of the following mxn matrix (3 columns, 64 rows). Columns 1 and 2 represent different design parameters to plot along x and y axis and column 3 is the altitude i want to plot along the z axis. It is suppose to show some peaks in the data so I can identify ... 10 Feb 2010 20:13
Sorting Matrixes into Two I have one big matrix and I need to sort into into two matrixes, one with the positive numbers and the other with negatives, then find the area of each. Not really sure how to start this since Im really new at MatLab. I can input the big matrix, but not sure what to do afterwords. I think I need to to an "if" statem... 10 Feb 2010 19:05
Signal processing question I have a couple questions: 1. What is the frequency response, H(f), for the low pass filter: h(t- Fs) = u(t)-u(t+Fs), where Fs is 8192 samples. 2. How do I plot the magnitude and phase response of function: h[n]=1/3(delta[n+1]+delta[n]+delta[n-1]) ... 10 Feb 2010 20:13
Triggered Subsys Initial Output? Is there a way to set the initial output values of a triggered subsystem? I've read through the documentation and searched online but haven't figured this out yet, and I'm hoping I overlooked something somewhere. It seems to me that Simulink determines the output dimensions from the subsystem contents or from dow... 10 Feb 2010 19:05
how to know if I have a certain toolbox? Does anyone know the command to see if a certain toolbox is available or not? ... 10 Feb 2010 19:05
read numbers from strings into new matrix Dear Devin! I have a matrix with a few thousand rows that looks like this: r210_4_1_80.txt 2.61 0.06 16.94 0.3079 I want: 210 4 1 2.6100 0.0600 16.9400 0.3079 Is the matrix you have a CHAR matrix? Perhaps this helps: Str = 'r210_4_1_80.txt 2.61 0.06 16.94 0.3079' A = sscanf(Str, 'r%d... 10 Feb 2010 17:56
using regexprep without "uppers" I am trying to use: regexprep(regexprep(str, '(^.)', '${upper($1)}'), ... '(?<=\ \s*)([a-z])','${upper($1)}'); But I can not use the command "uppers". Are there any ideas? I have tried: caps = (str >= 'A')&(str <= 'Z');%indexes the columns w/ capitals str(caps) = str(caps) +'a'-'A';%turns CAPS to lowercas... 12 Feb 2010 22:26 |