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Multispectral image and pca hai, I am doing project in hyperspecral image classification. i convert image to .mat format so, i want to reduce the bands, so i am going to pca.... how to do pca for hyperspectral image in matlab.... how to give input to the function princomp() should we convert the image to 2D as as the... 10 Feb 2010 01:14
Wow... It's amazing.. "us " <us(a)> wrote in message <hkr3o8$8tt$1(a)>... "Beginner Math." Sorry... I mean that want to know exactly the position of bar graph. If I compare 5 data on bar graph, it will be shown 5 bar in x-axis 1. At that time, the position value of x-axis is all 1. a hint: - t... 9 Feb 2010 23:01
reading hebrew font "Yair Altman" <altmanyDEL(a)gmailDEL.comDEL> wrote in message <hkt0o0$6jb$1(a)>... Simply change your Matlab preferences to use the Courier New font instead of the default font. Nope. That didn't work for me: a = 'עכבר'; a a = ... 9 Feb 2010 21:55
exe file for GUI I have a GUI that I made with GUIDE. Does anyone know how to make an .exe file for it? & if there is any way to Run the Gui on machines with no matlab installed? Can I somehow not show the codes? any help would be appreciated ... 10 Feb 2010 00:08
How to display image from database? there is a database called 'coil-20-proc' in d: drive. i want to calculate invariant moments for all the images in the data base. iam calling the data base like this <<for i=1:totalimages < im=imread(['d:coil-20-proc\1 (',num2str(i),').png']); but it is showing error..... "File "d:coil-20-proc\1 (1).png" ... 9 Feb 2010 21:55
reading a value in a string lets say I got a string C = "this is for testing1", how do I get that value 1 in that string into an integer? I know I can find the length(C) then what? There's fgets and fread but I don't know how to setup those functions up to find that value 1 at the end of that string. ... 9 Feb 2010 20:48
Problem reading non-ASCII text file Hi, I have a text file with some non-ASCII encoding (some unknown UTF variant). When I try to open the file with some of the non-standard encodings (e.g., 'cp862' or 'ISO_8859-8') I get a warning that the encoding is not supported, although it's in the official list of IANA character sets referenced in fopen's doc p... 9 Feb 2010 20:48
Traing dataset,validation dataset,testing dataset. You can use: net.IW{1,1} to find out the weights from inlet to layer 1 (net is the name of the network you used) then net.LW{i,j} to find out the weights from layer j to layer i. You can find the bias simply by using net.b(i), where i is the layer of interest. I hope this could help you! "Greg Heath" ... 9 Feb 2010 19:41
colorbar on contour plot has weird orientation Hi, I have three contour subplots with a single common colorbar saved as a fig file. When I open the figure with the property editor I can change the colormap. The colors change smoothly on all three plots and the colorbar. BUT, the colors in my horizontal colorbar now show up vertically, i.e. as though a vertic... 9 Feb 2010 23:01
Add a number tag to the end of a character text file first .m file: fid=fopen('Project1.txt'); c=fread(fid,'*char'); x=round(length(c)/5) c1=c(1:966); fid1=fopen('file1.txt', 'w'); fwrite(fid1,c1,'char'); fclose(fid); fclose(fid1); second .m file: fid1=fopen('file1.txt'); tag1=fread(fid1, '*char'); fclose(fid1); I want to spit a text file into any ... 9 Feb 2010 18:33 |