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Laplace equation on unit cube with mixed boundary conditions Dear All I am using Matlab to solve the Laplace equation on a unit cube (by ‘inverting’ a large sparse finite difference matrix subject to the appropriate boundary conditions, see e.g. This... 24 Feb 2010 14:16
Calculating and plotting CCDF? Adshak <adshaikh.hipnet(a)> wrote in message <a9c0dbad-d57c-4a48-ab81-607a31657697(a)>... Dear ALL, Say I have data In X which is a vector. cdfplot(X) gives me the cdf plot, which is absolutely fine for my requirements. Now, how can I plot the complimentary CDF ... 24 Feb 2010 13:07
Date on feather x axis I am plotting ocean current vectors from a time serie data set on a feather plot and I'm struggling to put the date on the x-axis. Any help would be much appreciated. Cheers Alex ... 24 Feb 2010 11:58
'excel string read' help me I am trying to read excel file which contains both string and numbers. it works fine when i tried to read only numbers. but whenever I tried to read column which contains text strings, it is not working properly. I used following command. var_list=xlsread('some.xlsx', 'sheet1', 'B1:B200'); it returns emp... 24 Feb 2010 19:58
Change output sequence into matrix I would like to know how to change a sequence of length N=25 that is given as an output as x(1):x(25) into a matrix y(i,j), i,j=M, M=5. x(1):x(5) should go along the top row. ... 24 Feb 2010 10:50
statement...image(I) Dear one, i am working with grayscale image. example F = imread(filename.jpg); I = rgb2gray(F); image(I); % this time it shows grayscale image with xtick and ytick figure, handle = image(I); % at this time it show color image with xtick and ytick why there is change in col... 24 Feb 2010 10:50
Stopping a Running Dos-Task via Timer Hi, I'm looking for a way to stop a running dos-process with a timer. The dos-process doesn't return an error message, it just continues running, when an error occurs. My idea was to stop the dos-task with a timer. Can anybody help? Maybe there is an easier way... Thanks ... 24 Feb 2010 10:50
convert video of .wmv file to .avi file Hi all, Can any body tell me of how to convert an .wmv video file to an .avi video file that can i work with it? Best regards, talal ... 24 Feb 2010 09:43
Forcing display output from cellarray > No. ps: suppose the string was (say) 80 Mb long, perhaps because it held the entire contents of a file that had been read in? Right... Thank you for the ~useful answer. p.s. Suppose you had the choice of, say, limiting the number of characters to display, so that it wouldn't matter how large (e.g. 80M... 24 Feb 2010 09:43
Inverse for loop ? Hi: I've got this x=1264x2 array in which I need to correct a value in the second column as function of the first column. Say: -0,028066464 -0,35 0,115032063 0,104781301 0,270528915 0,64417803 0,4322721 0,776582735 0,593809388 0,875641093 Thing is, I need to set a condition: for i=1:1264 if x(... 3 Mar 2010 14:08 |