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Maximum Likelihood Classification for Hi, I am ph.d final year student on UNSW.I am working with image processing and linear unmixing for flood inundation mapping. what ever coding I have found in file exchange is clustering and PCA based on maximum likelihood method. I have a discriminant function: gi(x)=1/l Si l-(x-mi)' * 1/Si(x-mi) where= Si=sample... 25 Feb 2010 00:23
analyse data from ethernet cable using matlab7.0 i want to analyse the data coming from ethernet cable(digital bursts of data coming from various multi sharc processors of sonar system).is it possible to interface the ethernet cable directly to computer and analyse through the matlab 7.0???is there any hardware requirement in order to perform this operation??or atlea... 25 Feb 2010 00:23
Frequency Response Estimation Hi Can someiine give help regarding generation of sine stream for frequency response estimation of dc-dc converter which has switching frequency 50khz. What should be the solver step size and sample time set in power gui. Thanks ... 5 Mar 2010 10:31
Line detection in chessboard image Hi, I was trying to write matlab code to find the lines in chessboard images. Here are the steps that I used: 1. RGB to intensity: RGB = imread('chess_board.tif'); I= rgb2gray(RGB); 2. edge detection: BW = edge(I,'canny'); 3.Hough transform: [HT,T,R] = hough(BW); 4. peak detection (for 2... 24 Feb 2010 23:17
Image registration project-help Hello Matt, Right now i have accurate control point pairs,All i need now s a transformation function to register my images.. can u help me where to find those transformation functions? ... 11 Mar 2010 00:12
image from a rotated 3D face model Hi, I have the BU3DFE database which has 3D models of faces with wrl files and texture images along with images for the frontal view of the model. Is there a way to get the images for the rotated view of the face e.g. can I get an image of the profile view of a face given the 3D models or any other roated... 24 Feb 2010 23:17
find in 3d Say I have [a] that is 100 by 100 by 3. Looking at it from one side it is 100x100. The left side of this view is 100x3. What if I want to find the first layer from the left that is not equal to a given 100x3 matrix? In 1d I can say ind=find(x~=3), in 2d, [dummy ind]=ismember(x,[1 2 3],'rows'), but in 3d, what would I d... 25 Feb 2010 15:57
how to enlarge the font size in matlab R2009b help window in a 64bit windows vista Home Premium environment Hi eveyone, Just got a problem of changing the font size in matlab help window(the right hand side content window), they appear to be very small. My Matlab is R2009b and runs in a 64bit windows vista Home Premium environment. Thanks for paying attention!!! ... 6 Mar 2010 14:04
fprintf and textread Dear Colleagues, I programmed a matlab code to use in postprocessing my numerical analysis results. My code write a text file to certain folder that I sepcified on my computer. The command that I used to do so is the fprintf and the format specified: '%i %i %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f' --> this co... 24 Feb 2010 22:11
grid generation Hi, I want to generate a grid (array of white spots on black background). I prepare the image (a matrix of unit8 type). But after I populate the matrix by 254 or 0, its size goes up. and by imshow I see a bigger image than expected! What am I missing? Appreciate any help!!! ... 24 Feb 2010 21:05 |