Hi all please i need a simple matlab code for MCCDMA in emission/reception , Best regards ! ... 2 Apr 2010 09:16
Elman Time series
Dear all, I am trying to reproduce on matlab the same code below as indicated in the "Technical Solutions page... How can I predict a future value from a time series using the Neural Network Toolbox 6.0.3 (R2009b)?" but I have struggled with an error and I dont understand why?? Please see the code and the error:... 2 Apr 2010 22:35
Image Comparison
I want to know how to compare two scanned image in Matlab? I want to see the % of matching as output/ Please Halp/ Thanks/ Rajesh/ ... 2 Apr 2010 11:29
Extending an array into 3D
Hi, I have an array which is 465x323 elements. It is the 'x' co-ordinates for some data I am plotting in 3D, so I need to extend into 465x323x4, i.e just repeat the same array over. At the moment I do: X=cat(3,X,X,X,X) This could get very lengthy if the 3rd dimension was 10 or more long...Is there a better way... 2 Apr 2010 10:22
Java problem
Hi, I'm running Matlab 2007b with Simulink. In the last few days a receive the following message: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space I've searched on this topic. I found a solution for 2006 and later versions. I've to place a file in the Matlab root, but apparently this is not gonna work for 2007b. T... 2 Apr 2010 08:10
string to number
hey all, Is there any other way to convert char to double other than str2num that is too slow? I have a graylevel image that i want to convert to a binary sequence. load woman; imdec = reshape(X,256*256,1); imbin= dec2bin(imdec,8); msg = reshape(imbin',256*256*8,1); but msg is char if i use msg2=str2num(... 2 Apr 2010 19:17
differences between Wavelet Families
hi all, I have a question on there are so many different types of Wavelet Families such as Biorthogonal, Daubechies, Haar, and etc. What is the best selection for signal processing using dwt? What are the major differences between so many types of wavelet families? Thanks. ... 2 Apr 2010 10:22
echotcpip('on', 4000); t = tcpip('', 4000); fopen(t); in the above code i m trying to send a signal which has to come to the Ethernet port. from the matlab document i could know that it is possible to get data to the Ethernet port. as i m new to this i was unable to do so. can anyone plea... 4 Apr 2010 23:39
isempty not working for cell but string?
Hi a={[]}; isempty(a) ans = 0 isempty(a{1}) ans = 1 Does this mean isempty not working for cell but string? Is there one which can determine wheter or not the contents of cell are empty? Mike ... 13 Apr 2010 20:41
Can anyone tell where i can get the explanation for fmincon program..? ... 2 Apr 2010 06:01