Solve a maze with MATLAB!
If anyone wants a fun diversion, I just uploaded an m-file to the File Exchange to solve a maze using MATLAB (with the Image Processing Toolbox and mathematical morphology). Here is the link: Description: This demo works for "perfect mazes.... 6 Apr 2010 10:46
Random numbers in a specific interval
How can I create in matlab a diagonal matrix with random elements in the interval (-π/4 , + π/4)?? ... 7 Apr 2010 03:30
matrix manipulation
Hi all, I have a matrix a =[ 3 0 3 2 1 3 0 1 9 3 4 0 0 8 1 0]; I want to change all the zeros to NaN. I used [r,c,v]=find(a==0); to find row indices and column indices of all the zero elements. I know I can loop all the elements in the r and... 6 Apr 2010 09:40
spectral estimation
hi, i would like to compare the spectral estimation parametric methods and subspce methods in terms of varinces.can anybody kindly suggest the matlab code . thanking you, with warm regards sreelatha.M ... 6 Apr 2010 09:39
spectral estimation
hi, can anybody kindly enlighten me on multichannel AR spectral estimation.If possible kindly send me the matlab code.suggest a reference for it.if possible mail me the electronic copy of the references thanking you, with regards, M.Sreelatha ... 6 Apr 2010 09:39
change 'file name' in 'From Multimedia File' simulink block
I need to load a avi video into workspace and do some processing work. I use the 'From Multimedia File' block in simulink to extract the audio of the avi file. The question is that if for different avi files, i have to manually set the 'file name' of the 'From Multimedia File' everytime before start the simulation. ... 7 Apr 2010 07:51
How do I plot my SINR values in matlab
Hi, I have coordinates in x and y (in meters) and at each point (x,y) I have a SINR (Signal to Interference Noise ratio) value. What I want to do is: at each point (x, y) I have a color that corresponds to the SINR value. In simple words, I want to have a SINR map The values x, y, and SINR are in a spreadsheet (E... 6 Apr 2010 08:34
Hi to everybody. We suppose to have three balls of center C1, C2, C3 with different rays R1, R2,R3 and different masses m1, m2,m3. Is v1,v2,v3 the initial speeds. The motion happens on a straight line. O O O ------------------------------------------------ C1 C2 ... 16 Apr 2010 04:00
Gober wavet in matlab
I want to use Gabor wavelet in matlab for frequency-time analysis of a chirped signal. But, i do not see this wavelet listed in matlab help. =================================== Haar haar Daubechies db Symlets sym ... 6 Apr 2010 14:09
matlab code for video compression
hello sir, im in need of matlab code for 'video compression'.......plz do help me by giving the code.... Talal ... 17 Apr 2010 10:45