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remove scientific notation from plot axes Hi everyone! Is it possible to remove the "x10^y" from the x axis when handling a large variable? example: x = zeros(1:220500, 1); plot(x); axis([0 length(x) -1 1]); set(gca, 'XTick', 0:length(x)/10:length(x)); thanks ... 18 Apr 2010 16:23
Problem including svd, norm or qr in a win32 dll I just ran into the exact same problem. Were you able to solve this matter? My code runs fine in Matlab but the compiled program crashes on that mllapack.dll message. Quite frustrating... Thanks, Tom ... 20 Apr 2010 15:57
want to make linear filter to a video hey every one,actually I knew how to read a video but I would like to do linear filter for it and then play the video after filtering it. if any one know how ,I would really appreciate it,oh its ok if u put how to read the video then do to it filter. Thank you all. ... 17 Apr 2010 18:32
fmincon with interior point - honoring bounds Hi. I'm trying to run a problem of the type min f(x) s.t. g(x)=0 . And I would like to optimization routine to honor g(x)=0 at each iteration. I've set the options to run with the interior-point method and the honor constraints option. Nevertheless the optimizer violates the constraint (feasibility error is not 0). And... 20 Apr 2010 18:29
MatLab Kmeans and large data set Hi, Matlab's kmeans runs excruciatingly slow on large data sets (e.g. 128x10000). Is this normal or am I doing something wrong? [idx centers] = kmeans(discriptors' ,250); (disriptor is 128x10000) I tried increasing the number of centers in the cluster and also tried increasing the , MaxIter to 500, be... 18 Apr 2010 14:10
finding root with bisection method hi, that's the problem 0.015=(4+x)/(42-2x)^2*(30-x) and that's code i wrote %0.015=(4+x)/(42-2x)^2*(30-x) %x=-8:0.1:4; %y=((4+x)./(42-2.*x).^2).*(30-x)-0.015; %plot(x,y) %grid clc;clear; x0=-4; x1=-2; fonk=@(g) ((4+g)/((42-2*g)^2)*(30-g))-0.015; err=1; while err > 1e-2 x2=(x1+x0)/2; if feval(f... 17 Apr 2010 17:25
alligning columns in a file Hi, okay I have now done the legwork of manipulating all the datasets and generated a nice 300 x 300 cell array of numbers but they're classed as characters even though they actually numbers. I have now printed this array into a file, again in the same dimensions as my cell array, however, even after trimming each an... 17 Apr 2010 17:25
Spectral content of a time domain file Hi, I have a time domain data file which is acquired by a 100MSample digitizer. The data file has 10000 samples of the data. I only want to see the spectral content of a part of the data. I have the following code. I will appreciate if someone tells me this is alright or am I missing out on something or doing something... 17 Apr 2010 16:18
Full-BEKK MGARCH Hello Fellows, I am trying to estimate Full-BEKK model in OxMetrix,but unfortunately it computes only restricted versions i.e. Scalar and diagonal.I was told that Matlab is capable to do this.Does anybody have a code for the 4 variable(3 or 2 is ok as well) MGARCH model. Thank you guys! ... 27 Apr 2010 19:03
question on how to create different backgrounds how do I create a plot that contains different background colors, for example all data containning x coordinates below 5 will have a background color of yellow, otherwise the plot with contain a background color of blue?? I really do need the help thank you! ... 17 Apr 2010 18:32 |