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How to create an image from a binary mask file using RESHAPE? My problem is in dealing with creating an image from a mask file (raw image). I successfully read the image data from a 181x217x181 file (image is 181x217, with 181 slices) using fopen and fread; this dumps the values into a large 1 dimensional vector. My question is how to reshape the data back into its 181x217x181 fo... 18 Apr 2010 15:17
Plotyy barplot with standard deviation Hi everybody I have been trying to make a barplot with two y-axes. I have two dataseries y1 and y2 that I want to plot and at the same time I want to have the standard deviations e1 and e2 of the dataseries y1 and y2 to be shown. I have used the code under consisting of two function files input1(x,y1,e1) and input2... 20 Apr 2010 15:56
Redundancy & significance of canonical correlation results Hello, I am using canoncorr to compute canonical correlations between two sets of variables, and I have several questions pertaining to interpreting the results in my analysis. First, how do I evaluate the statistical significance of each canonical root? Secondly, I'd like to compute the redundancy, for which... 20 Apr 2010 15:56
Saving figure error (invalid argument) I've searched through the newsgroup archives for an answer to my question, and I've read through FAQ 4.12, but I still can't find a solution to my particular issue. I'm trying to automate the saving of a figure as .fig. It is in a loop which changes the figure's filename with each iteration of the loop. Here's the... 18 Apr 2010 21:56
Please Help with My Fixed Point Iteration Program Hi all, I am trying to write a Fixed Point Iteration program but when I enter in the command line it kept giving me an error message. Can you please look over my program and tell me what might have gone wrong? Thank you very much! First, I defined a function in a new M-File: function y=FUN3(x) y=5/(sin(x)*exp(-... 18 Apr 2010 14:10
Inverse of Function in Matlab Hi Dear Guys, I have a question regrading the inverse of function in Matlab. how can we get the inverse of a function. I couldn't find any option to get the inverse of function. There is a option as "finv" which gets inverse of a cumulative function and it isn't applicable for my case. Thanks, Mehdi ... 18 Apr 2010 14:09
Help with differential equation function vdp syms t; f = sin(t)*cos(t)*exp(-100*t); % This is an example function. Our function maybe more complex than it. tspam = [0 12]; x0 = [0 1]'; [t, x] = ode45(@vdpp, tspam, x0, [], f); plot(t,x(:, 1)); grid on; function dxdt = vdpp(t, x,f) dxdt = [x(1); x(2)+f]; Dont work. Help... 20 Apr 2010 15:56
Adding arrows to axes Is there a simple way to add an arrow to the end of x and y axis? ... 18 Apr 2010 14:09
`Fn Home' & `Fn End', etc., will write characters in MATLAB (-nodesktop) Hi, As stated in the title, using functions key such as `Fn Home', `Fn End', etc., on my Asus EEE 1000 HE results in the writing of the resulting characters in MATLAB's console. I run == matlab -nodesktop -nosplash == and then, say that I write some long command like == thisIsMyLongFunctionToCall(many_par... 18 Apr 2010 11:56
pls help me. sir, "y" is my original signal: y= load ('C:\Program Files\MATLAB71\work\ecg2.txt'); %load the original signal i just clear with the following functionl: WidthPoints=length(y)/40; AmpThreshold=min(y)+0.05*(max(y)-min(y)); smoothwidth=round(WidthPoints/2); % SmoothWidth should be roughly equal to 1/2 the pe... 18 Apr 2010 15:17 |