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segmentation of thread like objects hello sir, i am working on segmentation of thread like objects in the image .but a lot of small loops and noise is present in the image .sir plz help me to remove all those small unwanted objects. i want only long threads to be present in the the output image. sir plz help me link to the image is this- http:/... 2 May 2010 12:02
conflict of pcolor and contour Hi all, I use "pcolor" to plot the horizontal distribution of the water temperature, and then hold on, and use "contour" to plot the bathemetry with black color, however, when i want to save the figure, only the pcolor could be saved, the contour lines are not saved, no matter what figure forms (jpg, tif, emf, png) ... 5 May 2010 09:19
QRS detection in ECG I am in need of matlab code for qrs detection for ecg signal. pls help me . i am trying it for past three months, but i am getting error in it. pls help me out with code for it. pls pls ... 2 May 2010 09:50
reshaping matrix "Wayne King" <wmkingty(a)> wrote in message <hrjqr8$rbk$1(a)>... "santhosh " <santhosh.ayalur(a)> wrote in message <hrjm91$5mg$1(a)>... Hi am a beginner to Matlab and have a problem with reshaping a matrix. I have a matrix which is 1024*4, which is actual... 2 May 2010 09:50
reshaping matrix "santhosh " <santhosh.ayalur(a)> wrote in message <hrjra9$rd8$1(a)>... "us " <us(a)> wrote in message <hrjq2v$99r$1(a)>... "santhosh " How do i do this. I bet its a simple thing for you... Thanks for your help yes it is, indeed... ... 2 May 2010 09:50
reshaping matrix "santhosh " <santhosh.ayalur(a)> wrote in message <hrjm91$5mg$1(a)>... Hi am a beginner to Matlab and have a problem with reshaping a matrix. I have a matrix which is 1024*4, which is actually a compound of two data sets that are 512*4*2. that is in short if my matrix is 1 ... 2 May 2010 08:45
reshaping matrix "santhosh " How do i do this. I bet its a simple thing for you... Thanks for your help yes it is, indeed... but - what have YOU done so far to solve YOUR particular problem... us ... 2 May 2010 08:45
GPIB input buffer size "Ankit Desai" <adesai.nospam(a)> wrote in message <grl2n5$14p$1(a)>... "Pierangelo " <pierangelo.bolognini(a)> wrote in message <grkcpt$roo$1(a)>... Hi all, I'm using MATLAB to acquire data from instruments by GPIB interface. What is the maximum dime... 3 May 2010 23:07
reshaping matrix Hi am a beginner to Matlab and have a problem with reshaping a matrix. I have a matrix which is 1024*4, which is actually a compound of two data sets that are 512*4*2. that is in short if my matrix is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I want to reshape it as 1 2 7 8 3 4 9 ... 2 May 2010 07:40
Initial/final values in solving Riccati equation I am trying to solve Riccati equation using ode45. Here is the command that I used:- [t,y] = ode45(@callflexProject,[0,-10],[zeros(100,1)]); The Riccati matrix is of 10x10 size. The third value in the ode45 command is initial value for FORWARD integration. Since I am performing backward integration, I have a majo... 2 May 2010 07:40 |