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Passing paraneters from Objective Function to constraints in Hi Mike, Thanks for the info..I think that should take care of the problem! Regards, Sanjeev Mike Karr <mkarr(a)> wrote in message <hr75an$35o$1(a)>... Sanjeev Rao wrote: Hello everyone, I am using FMINCON, and I am trying to pass a variable computed in the ... 1 May 2010 10:54
Help with the question Dear all, I am reading a programm in a book showed as following: function [x,fx,xx]=newton(f,df,x0,TolX,MaxIter) h=1e-4;h2=2*h;TolFun=eps; if nargin==4 & isnumeric(df) MaxItr=TolX; TolX=x0; x0=df; end xx(1)=0; fx=feval(f,x0); for k=1:MaxIter if ~isnumeric(df) dfdx=feval(df,xx(k)... 3 May 2010 10:55
video Help Hi , I am doing a matlab project which i need to read a video and then split it into frames, then blur some parts of it and again convert it back to the video, i used the following code, but it gives me error, any help?? Obj=mmreader('movie12.00.avi'); get (Obj) vidFrames=read(Obj, 200); numFrames=get(Obj,'... 1 May 2010 10:54
real-time object tracking using optical flow / XY coordinates needed Since you indicate that you know the Car Tracking demo in VIP Blockset (viptrafficof.mdl), you already have a good head start. I presume you're in Simulink and continuing your work there... One step in tracking is blob analysis - each "region of interest" (here, a car) is tracked as a blob of pixels. Each blob can... 1 May 2010 10:54
Thresholding Video Frames Yaroslav Bulatov <yaroslavvb(a)> wrote in message <e4a98e21-a364-4ace-8520-7470215f2aa5(a)>... On Aug 18, 1:16 pm, Robbie Plankenhorn <rplankenh...(a)> wrote: I am trying to read in a wmv file or an avi file, then perform image analysis on each frame and output the r... 1 May 2010 09:48
RE-triangulation Hello Friends my name is SIVA. step 1: I have a point clouds(i.e x,y,z points of the surface) Step 2: from that i would like to generate STL (stereo lithography file ) by Delaunay Triangulation. Step 3: I need to find unit vector normal for each triangle in a surface. Step 4: I need to find i. interior... 1 May 2010 09:48
Adding new marker types? Hi, I would like to plot dozens of datasets to a one figure and i need at least 20 different marker types. The best solution that i found is the ''number'' marker types. I mean if you are going to plot the 1'st dataset, the marker is 1 (the number itself), if you are going to plot the 2'nd dataset, the marker tha... 1 May 2010 09:48
Adding new marker types? Hi, I would like to plot dozens of datasets to a one figure and i need at least 20 different marker types. The best solution that i found is the ''number'' marker types. I mean if you are going to plot the 1'st dataset, the marker is 1 (the number itself), if you are going to plot the 2'nd dataset, the marker tha... 2 May 2010 08:45
set data in a uitable Hi! I would like to create a uitable with two 10x1 matrices but when I try to use the code below it says it has to be a [1 1] array what Im I doing wrong? Thanks for your help JALPHA=[JALPHA]' %10x1 matrix IALPHA=[IALPHA]' %10x1 matrix f = figure('Position', [100 100 752 350]); t = ui... 1 May 2010 09:48
plotting hermite special function ineed to plot hermite function as the plotting of legendre and bessel functions ... 9 May 2010 09:57 |