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set serial terminator > 127 Hello, My serial device uses 253 (0xFD) as a terminator, and MATLAB throws an error saying that it must be from 0 to 127 (0x7F) when I use set(mySerialObj, 'terminator', 253). Does anyone know how to work around this? Thanks Matthew ... 12 May 2010 10:14
Changing mask parameters from a m-function Hi, I have a S-Function block that is masked. In the mask, I have defined a mask parameter called 'sigConv'. I am using this parameter in the S-Function parameters field by inserting "['sFuncVar=',sigConv]" What I want to do: I want to achieve the same, that happens when I change the value in the mask and click "... 11 May 2010 13:23
creating a sequence matrix Dear all, I'm trying to create a statistics matrix with Matlab but couldn't find a way. Here is the problem. I have a column matrix of 1x1000. 1000 lines includes recurrent 5 different data. So i want to create a 5x5 matrix from this data like: aa bb cc dd ee bb ba bc bd be ca cb cc cd ... 11 May 2010 15:38
How to perform a harmonic analysis of a periodical data? FFT or TideMan <mulgor(a)> wrote in message <5c385b4c-484a-4647-aca3-e9fb44080624(a)>... On Aug 12, 7:23 pm, "Paul bu" <lingshan...(a)> wrote: Hi all, I have a problem concerning the harmonic analysis of the motor-engine torsional oscillation. I want to decide... 11 May 2010 13:23
Removing axis values from a GUI axis Anyone? :( Where is imageanalysist when u need him >.< ... 11 May 2010 13:23
sqrt complex I read at the help and doc but I could not find any specification of SQRT for complex numbers. It seems the output keeps the same sign of the imaginary part as the input, and the discontinuity (in the complex plane) is the negative real axis. This is what I want, but I love to see it documented somewhere. Any opi... 11 May 2010 16:46
fminsearch problem I'm using MATLAB 2009a. I used fminsearch to minimize a function, and the variable x is a 20-by-1 vector. The function involves large matrix multiplications and other complicated integrations. To fasten the calculation, I used parfor in the function. When using fminsearch, I used: newx=fminsearch(@myfun,x0,opt... 11 May 2010 16:46
assigning NULL as a double-type data Hi, I am using a built-in function of MATLAB, which is fmincon. I have hard time providing correct data for one of the input variables. This variable can take a vector containing only double-type data. But the data I am trying to pass on it is something like: [3 2 null null 5 null 10] where null is an e... 19 May 2010 19:22
Audio - Auto level Control AGC hello , I have Matlab r2008.b and we want to know how to delete the AGC ( who adjust the gain control for signal ). Thanks ... 11 May 2010 12:16
Problem reading french accent in text Hello, I try to read text using fscanf : copyfile([adresse,'donnees.xml'],[adresse,'donnees.txt']) fid = fopen('donnees.txt'); = fscanf(fid,'%c'); Since text is in french I get accent problem example this part of the text : "Bulletin hydrométéorologique" becomes : "Bulletin hydrométéorologique" prob... 11 May 2010 13:23 |