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FFt spatial domain
Hi everyone, I have a data in spatial domain,, and I want to obtain the FFT spectrum which x-axis represented lambda. and my matlab algorithm is: Fs=100; Ts=1/Fs; x=0:Ts:1000-Ts; n=length(x); lambda_1=2; lambda_2=5; lambda_3=10; lambda_4=20; y=2*sin(2*pi*x/lambda_1)+5*sin(2*pi*x/lambda_2)+10*sin(2*pi*x... 13 May 2010 06:06
Deconvolving an audio signal
So i have the time domain samples of a distorted audio signal that was sent through a filter. And i have the transfer function of that filter as a variable in matlab(the samples of the DFT). What is the best way/algorithm of going about deconvolving the signal from the information i have? ... 18 May 2010 21:25
Adding second Y-Axis with no data associated with it
Look up the axes() command in help. Plotyy simple creates two axes using this. You can do the same manually and then you have complete control. (In case it is useful, plotyy and subplot don't mix well and in that case using axes manually seems to solve all the problems.) If you define two axes with the same position... 12 May 2010 06:57
Gaussian noise removal
hi in my project i am dealing with gaussian noise. For removal of gaussian noise from the image, i tried using imfilter(), medfilt(), filter2(), wiener2(), but doesn't find any satisfactory result. Can anybody help me with any matlab code or function, which will give satisfactory result for gaussian noise removal? ... 12 May 2010 06:57
Get desired success with project management software
Today project management software is used by almost every company. It is a tool without which one can live. Doing business online and communicating with everyone in regards to the progress and requirements of the project would not have been possible without the help of project management software. I would like t... 12 May 2010 06:57
Need Help in Movie Convertion
Dear all, I want to convert an array (which is save in every time-step) into movie. Could you advice me on how should I do it? The array is constructed in 2D domain, so the movie / animation should look something like the particular website as follows: 18 May 2010 05:59
Hello I am doing recording with 16k, 8 bit. The recodred file I am saving on hard drive using wavwrite function. The recorded file has lot of noise, I need to know is there any seetings i need to do on my comouter / in matlab to reduce the noise. Thanks inadvance, Prats ... 12 May 2010 06:57
Poor performance
Hello everyone, I need your help with such a question: I try to plot the solution for Lorenz system, but find that matlab's performance is extremely slow. I started the program yesterday at 19.00 and it is still calculating. I tried matlabpool to use second core, but it seems no result. Is it ok that such a simple pro... 21 May 2010 11:41
line by line subtraction
Hello I'm looking for a quiker way to do this: 1 1 1 - 1 2 3 = 0 -1 -2 2 2 2 1 0 -1 i.e. to subtract one vector from every line of a matrix (which do have the same number of columns) right now i'm doing it like this for ii = 1:number_of_lines a(ii,:) = b(ii,:) - c; end... 12 May 2010 11:21
Nonlinear Least Squares with Weight Matrix in Matlab?
Hi all, I am trying to minimize a function of the form: y*W*y' where y is a 1xn vector of the form y=myfun(pars)-c, where myfun is a vector-valued non-linear user-defined function of parameters pars and c is a given fixed vector of constants. W is a symmetric, positive definite matrix (a quadratic form). Of c... 12 May 2010 06:57
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