From: Thomas Goirand on

Back when we were running Sarge, we were able to run clamav,
spamassassin and amavis, together with apache, mysql and an ftp server,
in just 200MB RAM and same as swap.

Today, running Lenny, top shows us some crazy results:

clamav: 156 MB
amavisd-new: 80 MB per process (running 3 processes is the minimum)
spamd: 105 MB per process (same remark)

That makes the total amount of RAM needed to run these 3 up to something
like 700 MB, which makes it a hard fit for smaller end VPSes. What
happened between Sarge and Lenny is beyond me. It seems we could replace
amavisd-new by clamsmtp, which would save 240MB of RAM, but clamav and
spamd will still have to be there, as there's no other open source
replacement available.

So, is there anyone with an idea on how improve memory efficiency here?
Is there a way to improve perl apps memory footprint, so it's not a dog,
in a more global way on the server? Is dspam better than spamassassin
for it's using less RAM? Has anyone tried clamsmtp and how much RAM does
it take (we would remove amavisd-new totally)? How does the Markovian
discrimination of DSPAM performs? How about the integration of dspam and
clamsmtp in Debian?


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From: Stan Hoeppner on
Thomas Goirand put forth on 5/4/2010 11:51 PM:
> Hi,
> Back when we were running Sarge, we were able to run clamav,
> spamassassin and amavis, together with apache, mysql and an ftp server,
> in just 200MB RAM and same as swap.
> Today, running Lenny, top shows us some crazy results:
> clamav: 156 MB
> amavisd-new: 80 MB per process (running 3 processes is the minimum)
> spamd: 105 MB per process (same remark)

Please post top output so we can see the actual VIRT, RES, CODE, DATA, SHR,
and %MEM column data for these processes. My initial guess is that you have
a bit of consolidation going on that you're not seeing. You may want to run
pmap on some of those duplicate processes to see what portion of their
footprint is shared.


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From: Mihamina Rakotomandimby on
> Thomas Goirand <thomas(a)> :
>Today, running Lenny, top shows us some crazy results:
>clamav: 156 MB
>amavisd-new: 80 MB per process (running 3 processes is the minimum)
>spamd: 105 MB per process (same remark)
>That makes the total amount of RAM needed to run these 3 up to
>something like 700 MB, which makes it a hard fit for smaller end VPSes.

We use on each openVZ VE: clamav + spamassasin. VEs are 2GB RAM.
So yes, your observations are right.
But I think that's the way it goes.

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From: Camaleón on
On Wed, 05 May 2010 12:51:24 +0800, Thomas Goirand wrote:

> Today, running Lenny, top shows us some crazy results:
> clamav: 156 MB
> amavisd-new: 80 MB per process (running 3 processes is the minimum)
> spamd: 105 MB per process (same remark)
> That makes the total amount of RAM needed to run these 3 up to something
> like 700 MB, which makes it a hard fit for smaller end VPSes. What
> happened between Sarge and Lenny is beyond me. It seems we could replace
> amavisd-new by clamsmtp, which would save 240MB of RAM, but clamav and
> spamd will still have to be there, as there's no other open source
> replacement available.

Mmmm, amavisd-new can call spamassassin directly, so no need to use
"spamd/spamc" daemonized version.

OTOH, I also see the same "numbers" on my systems...



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From: Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. on
On Tuesday 04 May 2010 23:51:24 Thomas Goirand wrote:
> Hi,
> Back when we were running Sarge, we were able to run clamav,
> spamassassin and amavis, together with apache, mysql and an ftp server,
> in just 200MB RAM and same as swap.
> Today, running Lenny, top shows us some crazy results:
> clamav: 156 MB
> amavisd-new: 80 MB per process (running 3 processes is the minimum)
> spamd: 105 MB per process (same remark)

Is that virtual or resident? While virtual memory usage can be important,
resident memory is a better initial measuring stick.

For my two-VPS system, I have:
exim4 -- 83M virt; 344K resident (listener; always around)
exim4 -- 83M virt; 1.7M resident (worker; not always around)
exim4 -- 83M virt; 1.7M resident (worker; not always around)
spamd -- 101M virt; 4M resident

exim4 -- 42M virt; 124K resident
clamd -- 280M virt; 159M resident
clamd -- 280M virt; 159M resident
freshclam -- 42M virt; 124K resident

You can guess why I moved clamAV to a separate system. Upstream is fine with
the memory footprint, so I don't expect it to go down. Very hard to fit with
any other services on a 256M VPS. Also, clamAV's memory usage tends to spike
at just the wrong times, so I do recommend isolating it.

Technically, the exim on vps2 doesn't participate in providing mail services.
It's exim handles local delivery, doesn't listen on non-loopback interfaces,
and, and uses vps1 (over a "private" network) as a smarthost for all non-local

Virtual memory usage isn't a good measure by itself since virtual memory pages
can be a) shared (but top/htop charges each process with all pages) and b)
file-backed and never accessed. For example, when a shared library is loaded,
the whole .so is mapped into memory. However, only the pages that are
actually read by the program are read from disk and copied into RAM.

If the program loads a large library but only uses a couple of functions in
it, the virtual memory usage of that program will greatly increase but the
shared memory usage of that program will only increase slightly and the
resident memory usage of that program won't change.[1]

> That makes the total amount of RAM needed to run these 3 up to something
> like 700 MB, which makes it a hard fit for smaller end VPSes.

Virtual memory usage can't simply be added like that, because part of virtual
memory usage includes shared pages.

exim4+clamav+spamd is not confortable on a 256M vps, mainly because clamd is a
memory "hog". I've split them between 2 256M vpses, and it has been working
well. I imagine a 512M VPS could also handle it without trouble. ClamAV is
the biggest problem, I've seen its resident memory size exceed 250M during

> Is there a way to improve perl apps memory footprint, so it's not a dog,
> in a more global way on the server?

Taking a lot of virtual memory means nothing. Virtual memory addresses are
not necessarily backed by either RAM or swap on Linux. The resident memory of
perl applications really shouldn't be much more (if any) than the equivalent
C++ program using boost or the STL.

[C programs are probably a little bit of a win here, if you don't re-implement
the garbage collection and dynamic typing of Perl.]

> Has anyone tried clamsmtp and how much RAM does
> it take (we would remove amavisd-new totally)?

If the goal is to get rid of amavisd-new, exim4-daemon-heavy has built-in
support for virus scanning through clamav.

> How about the integration of dspam and
> clamsmtp in Debian?

I'm not sure why you need either of these programs. exim4-daemon-heavy
already contains support for interfacing with a number of spam/virus detection
daemons that run on the same or different systems.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. ,= ,-_-. =.
bss(a) ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-' \_/