From: M on 22 Mar 2010 13:42 Hello There, I've written a simple class in a classdefinition file. There are only two methods by now. The constructor and a function that should test if a condition is fullfilled for an instance of this class. The result is also saved in a property of that class. I want to call the helper method from the constructor but I get and error, that the method can't be found. My Code looks like this - well actually it is not my code but it reproduces the error message: classdef Untitled properties (SetAccess = private) Matrix; Condition; end methods function obj = Untitled(Matrix) obj.Matrix = []; obj.Condition = false; if nargin > 0 obj.Matrix=Matrix; obj.Condition = test(obj.Matrix); end end function passed = test(Matrix) if any(size(Matrix)<2) passed = false; else passed = true; end end end end
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